Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2020 Board Meeting Minutes

2020_01_21_WHQ minutes

2020_02_25_WHQ minutes

2020_03_24_WHQ minutes

2020_05_21_WHQ minutes


2020-10-04 Washingtons Headquarters Annual HOA Meeting_FINAL

2020-12-07-WHQ minutes





WHQ’s Drainage Phasing Plan 102419

Dear Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners:

Attached please find a phasing plan of the work for the underground drainage system repair and upgrade.

Adamo Brothers plans to start work on Monday, November 4th (weather permitting).

The proposed schedule of work by phase is as follows;

Schedule: (dates updated 11/19/19 per Margaret’s email)

  • Phase 1:   11/04/19 – 11/20/19
  • Phase 2:   11/21/19 – 12/05/19
  • Phase 3:   12/06/19  – 12/23/19

Important Notes:
The schedule dates presented, are susceptible to weather delays and possible unknown underground obstructions. Please see attached drawing to determine which phase will affect you/when.
Parking within the marked up phasing areas will be closed during the day — 7am to 5pm — during the dates indicated on the attached phasing  drawing.

Pedestrian access to homes will be fully available.

Access by vehicles to private garages will be mostly possible –except if there is a line crossing your driveway which may render access impassable for a few hours.

Times of shutdown will be coordinated with on-site supervisor from Adamo and Brooker Engineering inspector.

Parking spaces will be re-established and usable at the end of each work day, roughly by 5pm.

Adamo Brothers will be using the communities’ two visitor parking spaces, for material and equipment storage, during the entire course of their work.
They will deliver materials for the job tomorrow (November 1) so please make sure all cars are removed from these spaces tonight.

Care should be taken as it may — at times — be difficult for you to drive in/out of WHQ.  Adamo will assist as best as possible to ensure your ability to come and go as you need.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation while we embark on this, the first section of our long discussed and awaited Capital Improvement project.
Please feel free to contact our Managing Agent, Margaret Federici at either 914-238-0732 or margaretfederici49@gmail.com if you have any questions.

WHQ Board of Directors
Margaret M. Federici, Managing Agent

see also-related:

August 6th WHQ Board Update

Dear Neighbors:
Here are some updates/reminders regarding our community.


Phase I of our capital improvement project has been delayed.  The Dobbs Ferry Building Department has now involved the Village Planning Board.  We are on the agenda of the upcoming meeting, August 8th.  Hopefully, approval will be granted and the project will be able to start shortly.  Once we have an exact start-date, we’ll send out a more definitive notice.



Unfortunately, the landscaping in the courtyard has been decimated by deer and disease (i.e. boxwood blight).  Instead of attempting a re-do now, the Board has decided to blend this project into the overall re-landscaping that will be needed when the Broadway brick wall is reconstructed.

The Board understands that while we await a complete re-do, the courtyard will not look up to WHQ standards.  However from a design and cost prospective, waiting is the right thing to do.



In order to standardize the approval process for exterior alterations mandated by our Covenants & Restrictions, the Board now has an official ARB application.  A copy of which may be found on the WHQ website. (Under the by laws and more page – direct link to file)



Please be reminded that every home has one numbered street parking space.  It is incumbent upon each homeowner to remind visitors and service personnel that they may not park in a reserved parking space, unless it belongs to the home they are visiting, or they have permission to do so.

Parking in front of garages or in the general roadway is not permitted except for purposes of loading and unloading vehicles.

The guest parking spaces are not intended to be used by homeowners at any time.

A black Mercedes has been parked for an extended period in one of the guest spots and is in jeopardy of being towed.



Please make your calendar … the WHQ Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 6th.  As we get closer to the date you will receive an official notice, proxy and agenda.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

WHQ Board of Directors

2019 Board Meeting Minutes

2019-01-30 Board Meeting Minutes




2019-10-10 Washingtons Headquarters Annual HOA Meeting_FINAL




WHQ’s Drainage Phasing Plan 102419

Dear Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners:

Attached please find a phasing plan of the work for the underground drainage system repair and upgrade.

Adamo Brothers plans to start work on Monday, November 4th (weather permitting).

The proposed schedule of work by phase is as follows;

Schedule: (dates updated 11/19/19 per Margaret’s email)

  • Phase 1:   11/04/19 – 11/20/19
  • Phase 2:   11/21/19 – 12/05/19
  • Phase 3:   12/06/19  – 12/23/19

Important Notes:
The schedule dates presented, are susceptible to weather delays and possible unknown underground obstructions. Please see attached drawing to determine which phase will affect you/when.
Parking within the marked up phasing areas will be closed during the day — 7am to 5pm — during the dates indicated on the attached phasing  drawing.

Pedestrian access to homes will be fully available.

Access by vehicles to private garages will be mostly possible –except if there is a line crossing your driveway which may render access impassable for a few hours.

Times of shutdown will be coordinated with on-site supervisor from Adamo and Brooker Engineering inspector.

Parking spaces will be re-established and usable at the end of each work day, roughly by 5pm.

Adamo Brothers will be using the communities’ two visitor parking spaces, for material and equipment storage, during the entire course of their work.
They will deliver materials for the job tomorrow (November 1) so please make sure all cars are removed from these spaces tonight.

Care should be taken as it may — at times — be difficult for you to drive in/out of WHQ.  Adamo will assist as best as possible to ensure your ability to come and go as you need.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation while we embark on this, the first section of our long discussed and awaited Capital Improvement project.
Please feel free to contact our Managing Agent, Margaret Federici at either 914-238-0732 or margaretfederici49@gmail.com if you have any questions.

WHQ Board of Directors
Margaret M. Federici, Managing Agent



Washington Town Home Owners:

Please see attached update on the community capital improvement project including per unit costs and timetable for funding.

A hard copy of the attached was mailed to you today via certified post.

Please note the February 15th confirmation deadline.

Thank you, M

Margaret M. Federici
The Margaux Agency, Ltd.
15 Round Hill Road
Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522
914.238.0732 (office)
914.238.3450 (fax)


Pool Use Instructions & Chemicals Testing Procedure with Video

Pool use instructions and video walk-through of testing procedure

In line with Department of Health requirements for the WHQ to retain its pool license, all pool users are required to:

  1. Sign in with their unit number and the number of people in their party (no unaccompanied minors allowed).
  2. Test and record the chemical levels of the pool (bromine three times a day, pH level once).

The Department of Health does check both logs from time to time and the DoH will revoke the WHQ pool license if the logs are not complete!

Regulations for use of the Pool. 2019 Season

  1. Westchester County Sanitary Code. The pool is operated under the provision of Section 873.1181(1)(a) of Article XII of the Westchester Country Sanitary Code, and Rules and Regulations for the Implementation and Enforcement of the Section promulgated by the Commissioner of Health of Westchester County on August 10, 1981, under which a “responsible person” is accepted in lieu of a lifeguard.
  2. Exclusive use of the pool by homeowners and their families. The pool is for the exclusive use of the homeowners of the Washington’s Head Quarters Condominium and their family members; non-owner residents (renters) may use the pool, for the duration of their valid lease agreements, under the same terms and conditions as the homeowners. Owners renting their homes are NOT eligible to use the pool.
  3. Responsible person. Whenever the pool is in use, a “responsible person in lieu of a lifeguard” must be physically present, who shall be responsible for the full compliance with the present regulations and for the safety and security of the area.
    The term “responsible person” means a competent individual, at least 21 years of age, who him/herself is the homeowner or a member of his/her family residing at the Condominium.
  4. Guests. Guests may use the pool at the invitation of the homeowners, on the condition that the respective homeowner is personally present at the pool at all times. No more than four guests per unit are permitted at any one time. Requests for exceptions to the rule of four (4) guests should be made to a board member.
  5. Children under 16. Children under 16 years of age, at their last birthday, shall be accompanied at the pool at all times by a parent or guardian. Those children who are not toilet trained may use the pool only if using cloth diapers w/rubber or plastic pants or disposable swim pants.
  6. Keys to the pool and its facilities. Homeowners are issued a key by the Board of Managers which fits both the main and side doors. The key shall remain in possession and under the control of the respective homeowner and shall not be given or entrusted to any unauthorized person. No duplicate of the key shall be made, except by the Board and under its authority. At all times when the pool is not in use, it shall be kept closed and locked. The key to the pool shall be taken away and pool privileges revoked if any rules or regulations are broken.
  7. Smoking. No smoking or vaping is permitted at the pool.
  8. Food and Beverages. Neither food nor beverages, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, shall be brought to or consumed at the pool.
  9. Radio Playing. There shall be no loud music permitted at the pool.
  10. Thermostat Setting. Thermostats and pool heating controls are set to provide maximum comfort to the greatest number of people at minimum energy consumption. No one shall change the settings unless expressly authorized to do so by the Board of Managers.
  11. Safety equipment and telephone. Safety equipment required by the Westchester County Safety Code is provided at the pool, as is a telephone equipped for free and direct calls to the police and fire department and emergency medical service.
  12. Leaving the pool. On leaving the pool, the responsible person shall ensure that:
    • the two rear sliding doors are closed and locked;
    • sauna heating is switched off;
    • all lights are off;
    • both front doors are closed and securely locked;
    • all personal belongings shall be removed from the pool area.
  1. Log Book. All persons entering the pool are required to sign the log book.
  2. Pool Hours. Use of the pool is restricted to dawn to dusk. By order of the DOH, night swimming is not allowed. Violation of this rule will jeopardize our permit with the Department of Health.



Bromine test procedure (ideal range 2.0 – 5.0 ppm):

  1. Insert Bromine Octa-Slide 2 Bar (306-01) into the Octa-Slide 2 Viewer
  2. Fill tube to 5 ml line with sample water.
  3. Add one Chlorine DPD #1R tablet to tube. Cap and mix until tablet disintegrates.
  4. Insert test tube into Octa-Slide 2 Viewer.
  5. Match sample to color standard. Record as ppm Total Bromine.

pH test procedure (ideal range 7.2 – 7.8 pH):

  1. Insert pH Octa-Slide 2 Bar (3403-01) into the Octa-Slide 2 Viewer.
  2. Fill tube to 10 ml line with sample water.
  3. Add one Phenol Red Tablet to tube. Cap and mix until tablet disintegrates.
  4. Insert test tube into Octa-Slide 2 Viewer.
  5. Match sample to a color standard. Record as pH.

NOTE:  High bromine levels (more than 10) may interfere causing a purple color.

Water temperature is set to remain at 84 degrees Fahrenheit. 

The below video provides a detailed walk-through of the necessary steps to carry out when using the WHQ pool:

In case of any problems (e.g. bromine or pH levels out of recommended ranges, water temperature too high or too low, chemicals or test equipment missing, etc.) please write to the WHQ Board (board@washingtonshq.com), so that the pool maintenance company can be informed. Do not adjust the chemicals or water temperature yourselves!