Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2011-01-24 Board Meeting

Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

January 24, 2011

Present: Sabin Meyer, Ann Tannenbaum, Mick Cartwright, Toni Schoen, Continue reading →

2010-11-08 Board Meeting


2010-09-27 Board Meeting

Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

September 27, 2010


Eli Cohn, Sabin Meyer, Mick Cartwright, Toni Schoen, Jeff Coyne


Ann Tannenbaum, Bernice Giscombe, Cristina Bloise – Impact Management
Issues for the board or the management company can be emailed to board@washingtonshq.com, or telephone 914 512 8129. Continue reading →

2010-09-14 Annual General Meeting

Washington’s Headquarters Homeowner’s Association

Annual Meeting, September 14, 2010 at 8 p.m.

Dobbs Ferry Public Library

Continue reading →

2010-08-17 Board Meeting

Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

August 17, 2010

Gary Zimmerman, Mick Cartwright, Toni Schoen, Ann Tannenbaum


Eli Cohn, Sabin Meyer, Bernice Giscombe

Cristina Bloise – Impact Management

Issues for the board or the management company can be emailed to board@washingtonshq.com, or telephone 914 512 8129.

The next meeting is the AGM, scheduled for September 14th, 8.00pm and will be held at the Dobbs Ferry Library.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed document to provide clarifications to the by-laws to be presented at the AGM.  In addition to this the following topics were discussed.


Toni presented an alternate blacktop repair technology that had been recommended to her.  Given that it is relatively new technology the board voted to proceed with the planned repairs using known technology instead.

The repairs will be carried out on Tuesday 24th August.  There will be short periods when small areas of the driveway will be cordoned off, and you will need to avoid these.

The sealing work will be carried out on Tuesday August 31st, with the potential for it to carry on into Wednesday September 1st.  During this time and for 24 hours after completion of the work, no one will be able to drive on the property.  We will need to plan in advance to park cars if they are needed on one of the surrounding streets.

As the sealant is applied, we need to avoid walking on the newly applied, still wet areas.   This will prevent you from getting the sealant onto your shoes and tracking it over flagstones, or into your house/car.

Please note also that the sprinkler system will be turned off from Sunday August 29th for a few days to accommodate the work.


When the fronts of some units were re planted following the losses suffered during winter 2009-10, Unit 5 was missed.  Anne will chase Carlos regarding this.

Snow Clearing

We will review the contract with Civitano to ensure that Calcium Chloride is used rather than the more damaging rock salt.

HOA Officers

Ann Tannenbaum was appointed as secretary to replace Rob Parke.

Any Other Business

All remaining item follow ups and other business was held over to the next meeting to allow time for discussion of the proposed document to provide clarifications to the by-laws to be presented at the AGM

Respectfully Submitted,

Mick Cartwright

2010-07-27 Board Meeting

Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

July 27, 2010

Eli Cohn, Gary Zimmerman, Mick Cartwright, Toni Schoen, Ann Tannenbaum, Sabin Meyer,


Bernice Giscombe

Cristina Bloise – Impact Management

Issues for the board or the management company can be emailed to board@washingtonshq.com, or telephone 914 512 8129.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 17th, 8.00pm and will be held at unit 5.

Previous Minutes:

The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.


We remain in a good position financially, but need to remain conservative in order to build up reserves in anticipation of future projects

Accompanying these minutes you will see the year end financial statement (our year runs to 6/30).  If anyone would like to examine the full details, please contact Eli Cohn for further information

Swimming Pool

Anyone still without the new key should contact Mick Cartwright (917 442 5366) to arrange to pick one up.

There are a number of drain covers around the pool surround which are rusted and need replacing.

ACTION:  Sabe and Cristina will chase H20 to replace these.

The lower removable windows have been replaced by screens, the upper ones still need doing.

ACTION:  Cristina will ask Sid to attend to this.

The thermostat controlled windows in the roof are not working.   Similarly the manually controlled side of the roof does not work.

ACTION:  Christina/Sid will check that all batteries etc are fresh on the thermostat and if this does not resolve the problem, will call in the repair company

ACTION:  Christina/Sabe will take a look at the manually controlled side and if necessary, call in the repair company.

The front door is showing signs of rust.  Mick will check in the records of the recent renovation work and contact the people who did the work to rectify this.


Sign In Book:  All residents are reminded that they must sign in using the book in the changing area when using the pool.  This is an important part of our permit to operate the pool without a lifeguard and may be checked on by Westchester County.

Tennis Court

The tennis court is now open.  As a reminder the combination lock is 18-20-6

We are investigating having the sprinklers cover the tennis court more frequently to avoid the surface deteriorating.



Carlos and his team have been spoken to a number of times regarding our concerns and the service appears to have improved.  We will be reminding them to put furniture back in place after they have moved it to clear around it.    If anyone has any concerns please contact Anne (674 1117)

Furniture:  Two new benches will be ordered for the garden.  The existing furniture will be disposed of.


The tree from behind unit 19 has been removed, and the tree in front of unit 2 has been trimmed.  Before paying the invoice, we need to confirm that the trimming was done well enough.

ACTION: Cristina

Sabe mentioned that he may have details of a company based in Northern Westchester who may be a better alternative for future tree work.

ACTION:  Sabe to get contact details.

Anne got quotes for additional sprinklers to cover the area behind the tennis courts.  The cost is prohibitive and we are investigating whether existing sprinklers could be switched from directional to 360 degree to cover the area, or whether alternate ground cover could be used that does not need sprinklers to survive.

Drains Repair

The drainage behind units 9 – 13 has been repaired.

Outside Lighting

We continue to investigate the outside lighting to improve the illumination in the common areas.

ACTION:  Cristina to meet with electrician

ACTION:  Cristina/Sid to check all light bulbs.  Known as out are the lights by parking spaces 8/10

By Laws Review

All board members are requested to send additions, corrections and changes to the draft submission to Mick.   Mick will then compile and circulate for discussion at the next board meeting.

ACTION:  All to send notes to Mick


We will be moving ahead with Tri State Asphalt.  Two speed humps will be installed as part of the work. The work will require us to park off site for a 48 hour period.    We will give as much notice as possible of the dates affected.

ACTION :  Mick to schedule work with Tri State.

We will be moving the sign for 4/5 parking to the area beside the swimming pool and putting up a visitors parking sign in the spaces freed up.

ACTION: Eli/Cristina to find out who supplied the old signs.

Front Wall

We continue to meet with engineers to develop a plan of action for the wall.

ACTION:  Toni to attempt to contact contractor that replaced the section of wall near the stream

Any Other Business

There is often garbage left around the bus stop near the exit.  We will try and find out who would be responsible for placing a garbage can there.

ACTION:  Cristina to contact the bus company and Dobbs Ferry town.

Annual General Meeting

Tentative date, Tuesday September 14th.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mick Cartwright