Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

Posts under ‘Board Meeting Minutes’

2006-08-03 Annual General Meeting

Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting, August 3, 2006 at 8:00 p.m.

Doubledays, Dobbs Ferry

Attending: Eli Cohn, Elly Cohn, Ray Fattorini, Anne Tannenbaum, Cheryl Leban, Catherine Louca, Ellen Meyer, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Martha Parke, Rob Parke, David Schoen, Anne Winston, Stan Winston, Donna Zimmerman, Gary Zimmerman, Connie Vegaga, David Palaia, Fred Gottlieb, Bernice Gotlieb

Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Proxy Statements: Dale Greenwald, Herbert and Mary Donavan Continue reading →

2006-06-19 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

: Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Absent:                  Dale Greenwald

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting with one correction; the damage to the cobblestones and sign in front of unit 9 caused by the snow ploughs this winter still needed to be repaired.  Steve will follow up on this.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • Steve presented a proposal to repair the keystone in unit 14 which the Board approved.
  • Steve presented a proposal to repair the perimeter wall.  He will obtain additional quotes.

Gardening: At the last meeting the Board asked Steve to get quotes from Landscape Architects to develop a landscaping plan for the property.  Steve said he was meeting with a number on Wednesday and expected to have proposals for the next meeting

Sprinkler System: Lauralynn asked Steve to have Marcenco check the sprinkler in the circle nearest the exit was not coming on.

Swimming Pool:  The Board agreed at the last meeting to purchase a solar blanket that would cover the pool when it was not in use.  Steve provided details to Eli who will place an order.

Rob said that the new brush for the pool was too short to reach all areas in the pool.  Steve will purchase a longer pole.  If homeowners brushed the bottom of the pool after use this would reduce the algae that were accumulating on the pool surfaces.  It was difficult to keep these algae under control because of the poor condition of the pool surfaces.

Lauralynn said that the pool committee was meeting again next week and would have a recommendation for homeowners at the annual meeting on repairing and upgrading the pool.

Pest Control: Steve said he had met with Garrie and was meeting with them again to walk the property.  He will be monitoring their performance and once he is satisfied with the plan they agree to allow him to do this he will approve payment of their bill.

Tree Care: Lauralynn reported that Rayal Tree Service will be on the property on Wednesday to look at a tree near the tennis court that was damaged and to remove the stump in the circle at closest to the exit.  The Board asked Rob to send an email to homeowners asking them to contact Steve if they wanted Rayal to look at any trees on the property at that time.

Financial Accounts:  Eli discussed the financial accounts.


Steve said he was waiting for a call back from the engineers s he could get an evaluation of he drainage behind units 9 through 13 for the Board to consider.

Ray said he had been unable to find a convenient time to repair the damage to the window ledges in the unit 14.  Any damage to windows was the responsibility of the homeowner but damage to the ledges was the responsibility of the Condominium.  Steve had a quote to repair the ledges.  The Board asked Steve to obtain another quote.  Lauralynn and Steve will contact Gary Giscombe and arrange to replace the ledges in unit 14.

At the last meeting, the Board agreed that we needed to paint and repair all the exterior woodwork on all units.  Steve said he was obtaining quotes to do this.

Lauralynn asked Steve to check when all the gutters had last been cleaned and to have them cleaned if it was not done recently.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday July 20th, 2006 at Ray’s house.

Annual Meeting:  The Annual meeting was scheduled for Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 at the Dobbs Ferry Library.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

2006-07-26 Board Meeting

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • The window had been repaired and primed at Unit 14.  It would be painted when all the painting of all units took place later this year.
  • Steve had one quote and was awaiting 2 others to paint the exterior of all the units
  • She will follow up with Ray and Roland about laying flag stones that Ray had donated between unit 4 and the pool house.
  • The hot water heater in the pool room had blown and required replacement.  She received approval from other Board members via email.  This was complete.
  • Steve had not been able to schedule the repairs to the keystone unit 21.
  • Steve was still trying to schedule an evaluation of the drainage in front of units 9 through 13.  She will ask Steve to talk to Roland about this as he had been involved in rectifying similar issues behind Eli’s unit in the past.
  • Roland had cleaned the gutters in units 3 through 7.  The gutter in the other units may need to be cleaned also and Eli will forward the name of who had undertaken this in the past to Lauralynn.

Gardening: Sabe had walked the property with Steve and a possible landscape Architect.  She had agreed to submit a proposal to Steve.  Lauralynn said she would call Tuscany Landscapes and also get a proposal.  Steve was still waiting to hear back from some other potential contractors.

Swimming Pool:  Lauralynn said that a glass pane in the roof had been broken.  A replacement pane had been ordered and would be installed as soon as possible.  Homeowners were asked to be very careful when using the pool it was possible that glass splinters would continue to fall from the roof.  It was recommended that water shoes were used until the repair and clean up was complete.  Lauralynn said she would post a sign to this effect in the pool.  Lauralynn said that the pool subcommittee will present a plan to homeowners at the annual meeting on renovations to the pool and pool building.

Tree Care: Lauralynn said that Steve was awaiting approval from Dobbs Ferry to remove the damaged tree along Broadway near the tennis court.  When this was obtained Rayal Tree Service will be on the property remove the tree and also stump in the traffic circle closest to the exit.

Financial Accounts:  Eli discussed the financial accounts.  It was agreed that the Board will recommend at the annual meeting an increase in common charges of 10% and an assessment of $120,000 to cover expected costs for repairs to the swimming pool and other ongoing maintenance issues including exterior painting of all the units.

Annual Meeting:  The Annual meeting was scheduled for Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 at the Dobbs Ferry Library.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

2006-05-16 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Dale Greenwald, Rob Parke

Gary Giscombe – Homeowner

Absent:                  Cheryl Leban

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • The damage caused to the roadway, cobble stones and signs by the snow ploughs this winter had been repaired.
  • Steve was attempting to meet with a contractor recommended by Peter Johantgten to undertake repairs to cracked keystones in some of the units.  He was also attempting to contact Peter Johantgten to engage him to observe the arches on the property on a regular basis and recommend further repairs as and when necessary.

Gardening: After some discussion the Board agreed that it would be beneficial to hire a consultant to develop a long term landscaping plan for the property as we had lost a number of trees in the last few years and many homeowners felt that some plantings needed replacement.  The Board will ask Steve to get quotes from Landscape Architects to develop a landscaping plan for the property.  Sabe said he would forward the name of someone whose work he was impressed with to Steve.  Lauralynn said Cheryl had recommended someone and she would she would ask Cheryl to forward contact details to Steve.  The Board hoped that they would be able to engage someone before the next Board meeting as it was important to undertake new plantings, including a replacement tree in the circle as soon as possible.  The Board would review and discuss proposals by email.

The Board asks all homeowners to contact Steve Fanelli at Bay Management if they are aware of any planting that need to be removed.

Sprinkler System: Lauralynn reported that a leak had been repaired in the sprinkler system and Marcenco had checked that it was working properly.  He also confirmed that the system had a moisture gage that prevented the system from turning on when it was not needed.  The system was programmed to come on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with the rotation beginning at 1.30am and ending at about 5am.  The tennis court sprinkler system was now operational and comes on every day.

Swimming Pool:  Lauralynn reported that the pool was open.

The Board agreed to purchase a solar blanket that would cover the pool when it was not in use.  This should improve the efficiency of the heating system and help prevent evaporation.

Lauralynn will ask Steve to purchase a new brush for the pool.  If homeowners brushed the bottom of the pool after use this would reduce the algae that were accumulating on the pool surfaces.  It was difficult to keep these algae under control because of the poor condition of the pool surfaces.

Lauralynn said that the pool committee was still working on a recommendation to homeowners at the annual meeting on repairing and upgrading the pool.

Pest Control: The Board reviewed quotes for pest control.  It was agreed that we will continue to use Garrie but that Ray and Steve will meet with Garrie to review the master trap map.  The Board will also ask Steve to closely monitor Garrie’s performance and to report to the Board what they were doing each month.

Tree Care: Lauralynn reported that Rayal Tree Service had treated all trees and removed dead and damaged branches.

Financial Accounts:  Eli presented the financial accounts.


Lauralynn reported that the damaged portion of the privacy wall between units 9 and 10 had been removed.  The area would be cleaned up and soil added but any new planting would be delayed until any further deterioration to the immediate area had been halted.

The Board discussed the fact that the gutters at the back of units 9 through 13 were not connected into a drainage system but were directed into the ground behind each unit.  This was likely causing the deterioration of the property between unit 9 and 10 and to the property behind other units in this row.  The Board will ask Steve to obtain quotes to evaluate the drainage behind units 9 through 13 for the Board to evaluate.

The Board discussed the damage to the window ledges in the unit 14.  Any damage to windows was the responsibility of the homeowner but damage to the ledges was the responsibility of the Condominium.  The Board asked Ray to contact Gary Giscombe and arrange to replace the ledges in unit 14.

The Board agreed that we needed t paint and repair all the exterior woodwork on all units and will ask Steve to obtain 3 quotes for discussion at the next Board meeting.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday June 20th, 2006 at Sabe’s house.  The following meeting will be held at Ray’s house

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

2006-04-05 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Cheryl Leban, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Rob Parke

: Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Absent:  Dale Greenwald

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Steve distributed copies to Board members of work orders since the last meeting.

Steve reported:

  • All lights were currently working on the property and all bulbs were being replaced with long life bulbs as they needed replacement.
  • He had scheduled a walk through with the Snow Removal Contractors to repair damage caused to the roadway, cobble stones and signs by the snow ploughs this winter.
  • He will ensure that the speed bumps are correctly attached to the roadway.
  • He is meeting with a contractor recommended by Peter Johantgten to undertake repairs to cracked keystones in some of the units.  Peter Johantgten would then be engaged to observe the arches on the property on a regular basis and recommend further repairs as and when necessary.

Gardening: Steve reported that the gardeners had started for the season and he will let the Board know the schedule for when they expected to be on the property.

At Ray’s request Steve will obtain a quote to extend the blue stone path between unit 3 and the pool building.

Sprinkler System: The sprinkler system had recently been switched on.  Steve distributed to Board members a report describing how the system was configured and the current schedule.  He will ask Marcenco if the current rain sensor did not turn the system on only if it was raining at the time and whether there were more effective sensors.

The Board discussed the fact that the cost of water had increased significantly and it was important to ensure that the sprinkler system was operating in a cost effective and efficient manner.  As a result, the Board will continue to monitor the sprinkler system and Steve will report to the Board when the setting are changed for summer by the gardeners.

Swimming Pool:  Steve reported that the property had been cited for a number of violations by the Health Department.  He was working to rectify these problems and expected that the pool would open in about 2 weeks.

Lauralynn reported that the Pool Subcommittee was working on presenting a long term plan on repairing and upgrading the pool facility to homeowners at the annual meeting.  In the meantime, Steve will obtain quotes for minor repairs to the doors and windows in the pool building.  These repairs are just intended as stop gap measures until a more extensive repair and upgrade program is implemented.

Pest Control: Steve said he was still waiting for complete quotes from Pest Control Companies and he will email them to Board members once he receives them.

Tree Care: Lauralynn reported that the contract with “Care for trees” had been renewed.  They take care of pest control and tree nutrition.  Rayal Tree Service will be engaged as needed for pruning and maintenance.

Steve said he would contact Rayal to remove the tree stump in the circle near the exit and plant an appropriate replacement tree once the Board agreed on the tree type.  Sabe will email the Board with a recommended tree type for approval in the next few weeks.

Financial Accounts:  Eli presented the financial accounts.

Miscellaneous:  The Board will hold a Homeowners social event on June 11th at 3pm.  Cheryl will arrange the event and homeowners wanting to assist are asked to contact Cheryl Leban.

Lauralyn said she would invite new homeowners (units 6 and 14) to the start of the July Board meeting to allow them to meet the Board and Steve.

As agreed at a previous meeting, the Board asked Ray to remove the damaged portion of the privacy wall between units 9 and 10 and ensure that it was appropriately finished off.  If further deterioration continued to the remaining wall the Board would consider alternative solutions.

Steve said that he was awaiting a return phone call from Unit 14 so that he could arrange for Ray to examine damage to the window ledges in the unit.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday May 16th, 2006.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

2006-02-07 Board Meeting

Present: Dale Greenwald, Cheryl Leban, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Rob Parke

: Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Absent:  Eli Cohn

Bay Management:  Steve said that Gary and Bernice Giscombe had moved into unit 14.  He will send an updated list of homeowners to Board members.  Rob will distribute the list to all homeowners.

Maintenance:  Steve reported that the Condominium continued to experience problems with the outside lights.  He is investigating solutions to the problems.

The Board reviewed the letter from the engineer Peter Johantgten on the cracked keystone in unit 21 and arches in all of the other condominiums.  Based on recommendations in the report the Board agreed to undertake repairs to the arch in unit 21 and other repairs to other arches and to arrange for Peter to observe the arches on a regular schedule.  In addition, the Board agreed that the perimeter wall required repairs to the brickwork.  Steve will obtain quotes for the repairs to the arches and the perimeter wall.

Steve will have the gate to the tennis court and covers on the dumpsters repaired.

The Board reminded homeowners that the dumpsters were to be used only for the disposal of garden waste.  Homeowners should make their own arrangements for the removal of other items by contacting the town.

Sprinkler System

Steve will ask Marenco for details on how the sprinkler system is currently set and for recommendations on how this should be changed at different times of the year.  Steve will document his findings and also details on how to change the settings so that a member of the Board or Bay Management is able to make these changes at some future date.  In addition, to ensure that we do not have a leak in the system Lauralynn will obtain from Eli details of historic water usage to estimate if there had been any significant increase in water consumption in recent months.

Swimming Pool:  Steve reported that he is beginning work on obtaining all the necessary approval for the opening of the pool in spring.

The Board again discussed the need for a major overhaul and repair to the pool and pool building.  A subcommittee of Dale (Chair), Cheryl, Sabe and Lauralynn was appointed to determine an appropriate approach, strategy and course of action for the redevelopment of the pool and related facilities.  Other homeowners with an interest in this important issue are encouraged to contact Dale and join the Subcommittee.  The Subcommittee will plan to meet twice before the next Board meeting.

Pest Control: Steve and Lauralynn are still investigating options for pest control.

Capital Budget: The Board provided input to Rob with respect to the maintenance and improvement of common capital assets.  Rob will synthesize this input into a planning tool to assist the Board in developing an appropriate strategy for funding the maintenance and improvement to capital assets as and when required.  He will present this to the Board at a future meeting.

Tree Care: Steve Fanelli reported that Rayal Tree Service had removed the fallen tree in the roundabout before the exit.  Before the tree was removed it was determined that saving the tree was not feasible.

Dale and Sabe will recommend replacement plantings at the next Board meeting.  Homeowners should contact Dale if they had any thoughts on suitable replacements.  After a decision is made on replacement planting Steve will arrange for the removal of the root ball and for installing the new plantings.

Financial Accounts:  Lauralynn distributed copies of the financial statement that had been provided by Eli.  Eli is still unable to locate a number of old homeowners and was still holding their share of the recent tax refund received by the Condominium.  The Board will discuss appropriate next steps with regard to the outstanding refunds at the next meeting.

Miscellaneous: The Board agreed that the Condominium should establish a website where all documents related to the condominium could be posted for easy access by homeowners.  Rob said that the condominium will need to pay a maintenance fee to a service that will host the website.  This will require a condominium credit or debit card.  Rob will talk with Eli about establishing a condominium credit/debit card.  Once this is done Rob will set up the website.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday March 7th, 2006.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary