Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

Posts under ‘Board Meeting Minutes’

2007-05-28 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

Visitor:                  Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Jim Corless

Absent:                  Cheryl LeBan

Flood Damage:

Jim Corless said that during the recent heavy rains his unit had suffered a significant amount of damage when water had come into the unit.  He had sent an email to Board members requesting a copy of the latest condominium insurance policy so that he could confirm that the damage sustained by his unit was not covered under the policy.  He needed this before he could apply for FEMA assistance.  He was still waiting for a copy of the insurance policy and was extremely disappointed in the lack of response from either the Board or Bay Management.  He also expressed a concern about a lack of adequate drainage on the property.

Steve Fanelli will obtain a copy of the policy and forward it to Jim.  He will also provide a copy to Rob who will scan it and email a copy to all homeowners.  In future homeowners will all be sent copies of the latest condominium insurance policy.  The Board also agreed that it should engage someone to review possible drainage issues on the property.

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.


  • Lauarlynn and Ray will evaluate options for having the light near the tennis court connected to another power source that will not require that the roadway is dug up.  They will ask Steve to get quotes for this.
  • Ray presented a proposal to have the driveway near unit 7 regraded to correct for poor drainage in the area.  The cost for this will be $1550.  The Board approved the repair.  Ray will supervise the repair.
  • The sprinkler system was now operational after repairs had been made to 4 heads damaged during snow plowing.


  • Mary reported that Carlos Fraoli had begun work on new landscaping in the two circles.  He had more plantings to do once the possibility of frosts had passed.  If the Board was happy with the results it will consider a proposal from Carlos for the landscaping contract when Regina’s contract expires.
  • Lauralynn presented a proposal from Cheryl to undertake improvements to the patio in unit 13.  It included the replacement of 5 trees for $350 each that the Board had had removed last season.  The Board approved the plan and agreed to pay for the trees if Cheryl provides Lauralynn with details of adequate insurance from the contractor, details of a drainage plan and provide appropriate warranties on the trees.
  • Eli requested that a tree near his parking spot be removed as leaves, berries and sap given off by the tree were destroying paint on parked cars.  The Board asked Steve to review any other trees near parking spots and after discussion with Lauralynn and Mary have them trimmed or removed as appropriate.

Swimming Pool:

  • Lauralynn reported that the pool had been resurfaced, the stairs had been repaired and the pool had been filled.  Unfortunately a stone had been thrown through the roof requiring cleanup of glass in the pool area.  H2O had already vacuumed and cleaned the pool for glass once and she asked Steve to have them do this again and obtain quotes to repair the roof.
  • Steve said the request for a permit had been filed with Dobbs Ferry.  He had not yet received a response but he will call and follow up.  Once the permit is obtained the pool will be open to homeowners.
  • Lauralynn said she will follow up with the engineer about his suggestion that the Board consider replacing the aluminum roof and report back to the Board on options, costs etc.
  • Lauralynn and Mary said that they had met with Anderson Windows about options for replacing the doors and windows in the swimming pool.  Ray provided Lauralynn and Mary with a proposal to repair the existing wrought in doors and windows.  Once quotes are received from Anderson windows Lauralynn will email recommendations to homeowners for input.

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli discussed the financial accounts.  He said that approximately $17,000 had been spent on repairs to the swimming pool so far.  Once quotes had been received for repairs to the pool brickwork, doors, windows and ventilation system the Board would need to assess homeowners.  This had been discussed with homeowners at the last annual meeting and at the subsequent special meeting of homeowners called to review renovation plans for the swimming pool.


  • Lauralynn said that a number of homeowners had not yet provided emergency contact information to Eli.  If a Homeowner is not intending to provide this information to Eli she asked that the homeowner inform Eli of this or to forward this information to him.
  • The Board authorized replacing the marker tapes on the tennis court and Lauralynn signed the contract with Oval Tennis Court for maintenance of the tennis court this season.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Monday June 4, 2007.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

2007-03-26 Board Meeting


Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke



Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • A number of homeowners had expressed concerns about the quality of the plowing after the last snow storm.  This had been discussed and addressed with the contractor.  In addition, our expectations on management of the crew will be clarified in next year’s contract.


  • Mary is still trying to schedule a meeting with Carlos Fraoli to discuss landscaping in the two circles.  She will get a quote for his suggested plantings in these areas.
  • The Board agreed to remove and replace the trees around unit 13.  Cheryl will obtain quotes for removal and replacement of the trees for Board approval.
  • The Board approved payment for the dredging of the pond.  Bay Management confirmed that Regina had not wanted the dredging of the pond to be included in the gardening contract and that the price of the contract had been reduced accordingly.  Lauralynn will clarify whether this adjustment had occurred.
  • Lauralynn said she had discussed with Regina the Board’s concerns about the quality of the plantings on the property.  Regina had agreed to work with Laurlynn and Mary on improving the situation this spring.

Swimming Pool:

  • Lauralynn said that she had spoken with H20 Pool about the scheduled resurfacing and other repairs to the pool.  They expect these repairs to take about 2 weeks and that the pool should be open in early May.
    • The Board selected the color of the tiles for the pool – any homeowner interested in seeing samples can contact Lauralynn.
    • The pool will be resurfaced in a light grey which will show less dirt than the current color
  • Ray and Sabe are still obtaining quotes to repair/replace the pool door.
  • Lauralynn presented the Engineers report on the swimming pool – attached.
    • She will obtain quotes for the recommended repairs to the masonry and roof
  • The Board approved payment to H20 for pool maintenance this season

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli discussed the financial accounts.  He said that he had received an assessment from the State to pay taxes of $800 because of taxable interest the Condominium receives.  He had paid the tax and filed for a refund.  He will research if he is able to invest the Condominium’s reserves in tax free accounts.


  • Lauralynn said that a number of homeowners had not yet provided emergency contact information to Eli.  If a Homeowner is not intending to provide this information to Eli she asked that the homeowner inform Eli of this or to forward this information to him.
  • The Board authorized payment to Gary Pest Control for termite control
  • The Board authorized payment to Oval Tennis Court for maintenance of the tennis court this season.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday May 8, 2007.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

2007-02-27 Board Meeting

Present: Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran. Steve Fanelli

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • The lights are working but the timer on the light over the office building needs to be checked.
  • The Dumpster doors were repaired and then broken by the trash crew.  Lauralynn has notified the town that their crews need to take better care of the doors.
  • Some new cracks have appeared in the asphalt of the roadway, especially around the drains.  Steve will check to see if the asphalt is shifting.
  • All the painting has been completed.\
  • The plowing people are being asked to use less sand but more salt because sheets of ice are still a problem, particularly at the back entrance.  We might check to see if buckets of salt could be left with the homeowners mear places where the ice forms.


  • With the new contract for the care of trees, the contractor will be asked to prune back the trees over the pool roof to prevent debris on the roof.
  • People who have concerns about trees should contact Bay Management.
  • Lauralynn will speak to Regina about large bushes that need to be trimmed and also about the quality of plants and preparation.
  • Mary will contact Carlos Fraoli about his planting the trees behind unit 13 and doing the landscape design for the exit c ircle.

Swimming Pool:

  • Joseph Lenskold, the consulting engineer for the pool, analyzed the aluminum panels and pronounced them sound, will deliver his formal report next week.
  • Glass Garden Doors of Old Lyme, CT, has given us a very reasonable quote ($750)  for replacing the vent and motorized closing system for the roof but the quote for replacing all the glass  was too high.
  • Wagner pools has never responded to repeated calls and e-mails.
  • Ray will call Hubbard Iron Doors to get a price for our pool doors.
  • Sabe will also take a photo of the doors to get a quote for door repair.

A motion that we contract with H20 Pools to repair and resurface the interior of the pool and fix the lights was approved unanimously.  Lauralynn will ask them to begin work as soon as possible.   A motion to contract with Glass Garden Doors to repair the ventilation system in the roof, beginning as soon as possible, was also approved.

Financial Accounts:  The board reviewed the February Balance Sheet.
Next meeting will be scheduled later.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Donovan, Acting Secretary

2007-01-15 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran.

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • The light by the tennis court will be repaired in the spring.
  • The lights in front of #15 and in back of #13 are out.  The timer on the auxiliary building needs to be checked.  Lauralynn will ask Bay to check that timer
  • Sid will be asked to take down the Christmas lights and to repair the latch on the doors to the dumpsters.
  • The painting has been completed except for Giblins unit #20 that requires access from property owner.


  • The pond has been dredged.  Maffei Landscaping presented a bill for the dredging but the board reviewed the contract with that company and found that the company, not the board, was responsible for the dredging.  The bill will return to Maffei with a letter from Bay.
  • Homeowners who have any comments on the work of the present gardeners or suggestions for further planting should contact Mary Donovan who is serving as head of the garden committee.

Swimming Pool:

  • The greenhouse structure has been evaluated by a greenhouse company and a written bid to repair the roof will be submitted soon.  The evaluator did suggest that the tree limbs that overhang the pool should be removed.  This will be done along with other necessary tree work this spring.
  • An engineer has been hired to assess the physical status of the greenhouse structure and the doors and windows.  He is coming to the site next week and will issue a written report of his suggestions.
  • The pool committee—Fred, Cheryl, Mary, Dale, Katherine, Lauralynn and Sabe will meet next week.

Other Business:

  • The board approved a motion to send $100 to the committee working to save the Dobbs Ferry  Community Hospital.
  • The Emergency Contact Information form has been completed and will be distributed to all tenants with the February (13th month) condo bills.  The forms should be returned by February 1st to Cheryl Leban in Unit 13.   One copy from each unit will be kept on file at Bay Management and one will be kept by the Board President.

Financial Accounts:  Eli discussed the financial accounts.
Next meeting was tentatively scheduled for February  22nd at 8:00 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Donovan, Acting Secretary

2006-11-16 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

Visitor:                  Dale Greenwald

Absent:                  Mary Donovan

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property except for the light by the tennis court.  ConEd, who is responsible for this light, has been contacted.  A few bulbs needed to be changed.
  • The dumpster locks had been repaired.
  • Cracks in the road would be sealed the week of November 19th, weather permitting.  A note had been sent to homeowners.  She will ask Steve Fanelli to supervise the contractors.
  • The painting of the white trim on all units except unit 20.  She will follow up with the Giblins to arrange access to their unit.
  • The black paint on all garage doors would be power washed.  Ray and Eli would evaluate if repairs were required at any unit.

Gardening:  The pond had been dredged.  The Board agreed to defer discussion on changing landscapers and new plantings until the recommended renovations to the pool had been approved by homeowners.

Sprinkler System: The sprinklers had been drained and closed for the season.

Swimming Pool:  Dale presented the recommendations of the Pool Committee.  Phase 1 was essentially to repair the existing pool surface and structure – some of the repairs would be undertaken in a way that allowed for possible future improvements in later phases.  To enable the pool to reopen in the spring this work would need to commence in the next few weeks.  Projected Costs for Phase 1 of the renovations were approximately $75,000.

The Board discussed the proposal and agreed that proceeding would require an assessment and decided to ask homeowners to approve proceeding with phase 1 of the pool renovation and an assessment of $80,000 to cover the expected costs.  A few quotes needed to be finalized but, if homeowners approved the assessment and renovations, the Board asked Lauralynn and the Pool Committee to undertake the repairs/renovations outlined in phase 1.  The Pool Committee will prepare a letter describing their recommendations.  This will be sent to homeowners with a request to approve an assessment of $80,000.

The Pool will be closed for the season at the end of November.

Financial Accounts:  Eli discussed the financial accounts.


Cheryl distributed a form to collect homeowners emergency contact information.  The Board approved the form with some suggested changes.  Homeowners will be asked to complete the form and copies will be on file with Bay Management and the Dobbs Ferry Police Department.  Board members will also have a copy.  Rob will distribute copies to all homeowners by email.  Cheryl will give all homeowners hard copies.

Lauralynn asked that homeowners not allow workers to park in another homeowner’s parking spot without their prior permission and agreement.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday January 9, 2007 at Sabe’s house.

Respectfully Submitted,

2006-10-30 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini,  Cheryl Leban, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, and Steve Fanelli from Bay Property

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Sabe reported that the Tennis Court was closed November 1st.


Lauralynn reported:

  • The lights at the entrance, near the dumpster, infront of the tennis court and in front of the pool have not been working.  Steve will talk to ConEd.
  • Sprinklers will be blown out next week.
  • The doors in front of the dumpster have been repaired but the center latches need to be replaced.  Bay will replace the center latches.
  • The cracks in the pavement will be sealed by Jim Kennedy from Tri-State sometime next week.
  • The contract for painting the white trim was awarded to All State and they have begun painting.   Steve will urge them to add more men to the job in order to finish before the weather becomes too cold for paint adhesion.
  • The brick repair on the façade of units 17, 20 and 21 has been completed.  They will be inspected every six months.
  • Emergency Sewer and Drain will clean the gutters and blow out the downspouts.  Steve will call them to arrange for this work.
  • Laura Lynn will call Roland to repair the downspouts that are broken or have come apart.
  • The repair of the walk to the east of Unit 4 has been completed.

Emergency Contact

The need to know who to contact in the case of an emergency at one of the units was discussed.  Cheryl will devise an emergency contact form to send to each unit holder.  The forms will be collected and held by Bay Management.

Swimming pool

  • Steve will contact someone to repair the motors that open the roof vent and then have the panel shut for the winter.
  • Engineer Joe Ludnick will come on Tuesday to evaluate the integrity of the roof of the pool building and assess the possibility of placing solar heating panels on the roof.
  • Dale is investigating the possibilities for solar heating of the pool.
  • The pool committee will present a final request for an assessment to restore the pool.  They propose a total resurfacing of the interior of the pool with cracks and stairs repaired, a new exterior deck, lights and drains evaluated and repaired, and replacement of the exterior windows and doors.  The board will meet in mid-November to review the estimates for this work.


  • Tree care has been completed.
  • The pond needs to be cleaned and the silt removed.  Maffei Landscaping is responsible for cleaning the pool twice a year.  Steve will talk to them about that.
  • Mary contacted Carlos Fraioli who submitted a landscaping proposal in three phases: 
  • Planting 1000 daffodil bulbs for next spring
  • Reshaping the center garden, adding trees behind unit 13 and at the circle near the complex entrance and reshaping the plantings there.
  • Planting annuals along the entrances, in both circles and along the driveway.
    • The Board decided to defer action on these proposals until the estimates for the work on the swimming pool are presented.

Financial Accounts:  Eli presented the financial accounts.  Eli announced that he did negotiate a lower rate for the oil but still warns that all utility rates are drising.

Homeowner Issues: One homeowner noted that the windows on the unit’s back doors needed  to be reglazed but the board agreed that repair of doors was the homeowner’s responsibility.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November 14th.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary S. Donovan

Acting Secretary