Present: Eli Cohn, Cheryl Leban, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Rob Parke
: Steve Fanelli – Bay Management
Absent:Â Dale Greenwald
Previous Minutes:Â The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Maintenance:Â Steve distributed copies to Board members of work orders since the last meeting.
Steve reported:
- All lights were currently working on the property and all bulbs were being replaced with long life bulbs as they needed replacement.
- He had scheduled a walk through with the Snow Removal Contractors to repair damage caused to the roadway, cobble stones and signs by the snow ploughs this winter.
- He will ensure that the speed bumps are correctly attached to the roadway.
- He is meeting with a contractor recommended by Peter Johantgten to undertake repairs to cracked keystones in some of the units. Peter Johantgten would then be engaged to observe the arches on the property on a regular basis and recommend further repairs as and when necessary.
Gardening: Steve reported that the gardeners had started for the season and he will let the Board know the schedule for when they expected to be on the property.
At Ray’s request Steve will obtain a quote to extend the blue stone path between unit 3 and the pool building.
Sprinkler System: The sprinkler system had recently been switched on. Steve distributed to Board members a report describing how the system was configured and the current schedule. He will ask Marcenco if the current rain sensor did not turn the system on only if it was raining at the time and whether there were more effective sensors.
The Board discussed the fact that the cost of water had increased significantly and it was important to ensure that the sprinkler system was operating in a cost effective and efficient manner. As a result, the Board will continue to monitor the sprinkler system and Steve will report to the Board when the setting are changed for summer by the gardeners.
Swimming Pool:  Steve reported that the property had been cited for a number of violations by the Health Department. He was working to rectify these problems and expected that the pool would open in about 2 weeks.
Lauralynn reported that the Pool Subcommittee was working on presenting a long term plan on repairing and upgrading the pool facility to homeowners at the annual meeting. In the meantime, Steve will obtain quotes for minor repairs to the doors and windows in the pool building. These repairs are just intended as stop gap measures until a more extensive repair and upgrade program is implemented.
Pest Control: Steve said he was still waiting for complete quotes from Pest Control Companies and he will email them to Board members once he receives them.
Tree Care: Lauralynn reported that the contract with “Care for trees†had been renewed. They take care of pest control and tree nutrition. Rayal Tree Service will be engaged as needed for pruning and maintenance.
Steve said he would contact Rayal to remove the tree stump in the circle near the exit and plant an appropriate replacement tree once the Board agreed on the tree type. Sabe will email the Board with a recommended tree type for approval in the next few weeks.
Financial Accounts:Â Eli presented the financial accounts.
Miscellaneous: The Board will hold a Homeowners social event on June 11th at 3pm. Cheryl will arrange the event and homeowners wanting to assist are asked to contact Cheryl Leban.
Lauralyn said she would invite new homeowners (units 6 and 14) to the start of the July Board meeting to allow them to meet the Board and Steve.
As agreed at a previous meeting, the Board asked Ray to remove the damaged portion of the privacy wall between units 9 and 10 and ensure that it was appropriately finished off. If further deterioration continued to the remaining wall the Board would consider alternative solutions.
Steve said that he was awaiting a return phone call from Unit 14 so that he could arrange for Ray to examine damage to the window ledges in the unit.
Next Meeting:Â The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday May 16th, 2006.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rob Parke, Secretary