Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2005-12-05 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Dale Greenwald, Cheryl Leban, Laura Lynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Rob Parke

: Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Absent:  Sabin Meyer

Bay Management: The Board discussed the current management contract with Bay Management.

Steve Fanelli described Bay Managements role under the current contract.  This included:

  • Oversight and management of maintenance contracts i.e. gardening, swimming pool, tennis court, cleaning of gutters, property maintenance, snow removal etc
  • Dispatching work orders for maintenance requests by homeowners

If a maintenance worker was dispatched to the property this was charged to the condominium at an hourly rate.  In addition, if Steve was required to visit the property to oversee items outside of the normal maintenance this was charged to the condominium at an hourly rate.  Steve did not undertake these visits without discussion and agreement from a Board member.

If the Board undertook any special capital projects such as the paving of the driveway, Bay collected bids form contactors for the Board to review.  When a contractor was chosen the degree of oversight by Bay and reimbursement for this oversight was discussed and agreed on a contract specific basis.

Based on the discussions it was agreed that a more rigorous process to review and approve payments to contractors was appropriate.  In future, Eli would only pay the bills for maintenance contacts that were fixed and monthly without prior discussion with the Board.  All other bills would be saved and presented by Eli at each meeting for approval by the Board.  In addition, Bay Management will review and approve for payment all bills they receive from contactors before forwarding them to Eli for payment.  In the past, Bay was instructing contractors to send the bills directly to Eli and if they were sent to Bay in error was forwarding them to Eli for review and payment.

Gardening:  Laurlynn reported that all gardening was complete for the season.

Swimming Pool: Laualynn reported that the swimming pool had been closed for the

Tennis Court:  Lauralynn reported that the tennis court had been closed for the season.

Pest Control: Steve Fanelli reported that he had received the Dow reports from Garrie Pest Control.  They indicated that there was no termite activity on the property.  The Board requested that Bay Management review the current contract with Garrie Pest Control and when the current contract is complete to obtain bids for a new contract.

Lauralynn reported that a homeowner had reported a problem with crickets in a unit.  If any other homeowners have had problems with crickets please report this to Lauralynn at halloranl@optonline.com so that the Board could determine whether any collective action was necessary.

Outside Lights:  Steve Fanelli said that the condominium had ongoing problems with the outside lights and Bay is continuously changing light bulbs and dispatching electricians to look at fixtures.

Capital Budget: Rob will provide the Board with a worksheet to assist in constructing a Capital Budget for Washington HQ.  Board members will review all inputs and provide comments to Rob.

Tree Care: Steve Fanelli reported that Royal Tree Service had proved a bid to remove 7 dead and damaged trees from the property for $1,200.  Eli reported that a number of trees near his unit were encroaching on the house. The Board Bay to proceed with removing these trees and in the spring to include cutting back of the trees around Eli’s and any other homeowners unit that needed it in the regular spring tree care services to have Bay.

Snow Removal:  Lauralyn reported that the condominium was in the second year of a 2 year contract for snow removal.  The contractor had already been on the property after the first snow fall this weekend.

Financial Accounts:  Eli reviewed the financial accounts and made the following observations:

  • Water costs for the swimming pool and sprinkler system were running at about $1,000 a month
  • Insurance costs and fuel costs were increasing at rates well above inflation

Miscellaneous:  Lauralynn presented Paul Davis’s response to the engineers report on the condition of the brick privacy wall between units 9 and 10.  The report recommended that the wall be removed.  Lauralynn will contact the engineers and ask if the sinkhole is impacting the integrity of any other structures, including patios, trees and units 9 and 10, and what needs to be done to prevent further deterioration to the surrounding area.  The Board agreed to instruct Bay to have the damaged section of the wall removed in the spring so as not to disrupt the plantings.  The undamaged portion of the wall will remain in place and engineers will be consulted to ensure that any remedial action necessary is undertaken to ensure prevent and rectify any structural deterioration in the area surrounding the wall.

Stve Fanelli reported that he has yet to have a return call from the engineer Dale had recommended to repair the keystone in unit 21.  he will follow up with the engineer.

Lauralynn reported that all the gutters had been cleaned.  The Board asked Bay Management to ensure that al gutters had covers and were in good repair the next time the gutters were cleaned.

Lauralynn reported that the sprinkler system had been winterized.  The Board asked Bay Management to ask Marenco Lawn Sprinkler Company how much water they would expect the condominiums system to use each month so we could determine whether the system was leaking as water costs were high this year.

Lauralynn reported that she expected homeowner would receive the tax refunds in early December.  If any homeowners have contact details for previous owners they are requested to contact Eli with them at esc8660@hotmail.com

The Board asked Bay Management to ask the gardening service to erect some holday wreaths at the entrance and exit as they had in the past.

Dale said he would present at the next Baord meeting information he had collected on repairs and improvement to the swimming pool.

Ray said he would work with Bay Management to collect information so the Board could present a proposal to homeowners about replacement of shingles on homeowners units.  This was currently the responsibility of individual homeowners but the Board felt it was important that a consistent look was maintained.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 10th December 5, 2005.

Respectfully Submitted,

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