Present: Mick Cartwright, Mary Donovan, Bernice Giscombe, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke
Visitors:                Christine – Bay Management
Natasha Kaye– Bay Management
Absent:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Eli Cohn, Sabin Meyer
Previous Minutes:
- The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.
- Lauralynn discussed sealing the cracks in the driveway. The Board agreed to obtain advice in the spring as to whether the entire driveway needed to be sealed. In the next few days Board member would look at the driveway and if any particularly large cracks were visible Lauralynn who would ask Bay Management to seal that area.
- Lauralynn reported that Rolande had completed repairs to the exterior of the windows of units 9, 10 and 14. At the same time, interior work had also been undertaken to the windows at unit 10. As all interior work was the responsibility of the homeowner unit 10 was required to pay for this repair. Rolande had also collected information on what repairs were required on other units. Units 18 and 11 required some immediate attention and work on other units would be undertaken next year before painting.
- Lauralynn said that all gutters on the property needed to be cleaned and she would ask Bay Management to have this done (cost approximately $1,200).
Swimming Pool:
- Lauralynn said that the swimming pool repairs were not quite finished but she expected them to be complete in the next few weeks. She noted that Tobias had managed to replace the lintels with stainless steel
- As reported at the lat meeting, the large pipe under the pool that drained water from the aqueduct into the pond was silted up. This caused a backup into other drains. Tobias had been  looking at options to remedy this situation including:
- Remove the pond
- Install a sluice gate
- Doing nothing and see if the improvements to the drainage around the pool improves the problem.
No decision would be made on a solution until after Tobias had seen what happens with the spring run-off.
- Tobias had not yet obtained quotes to undertake the repairs that had been recommended by the engineer to the roof supports (replacing screws and adding horizontal bridging). Â This work would be undertaken in the spring
- Lauralynn asked Natasha to coordinate with H20 about the installation of shut off valves to drains in the swimming pool that were now required by new regulations. Sharon had mentioned these at the last meeting (cost approximately $2,000).
Financial Accounts:
- Eli was unexpected delayed so had not provided copies of financial statements. Lauralynn said she would ask Eli to distribute them to Board members.
- In follow-up to the discussion at the last Board meeting about an appropriate response to the letter Bernice Gottlieb had sent the Board about the use of the office in the accessory building, Lauralynn said she and Bernice Giscombe would meet with a real estate attorney recommended by Sharon next Tuesday. At the same time Lauralynn said she would also discuss updating and clarifying the condominium’s bylaws. At a previous homeowner meeting homeowners had asked that this was done because they were often unclear and caused confusion about the respective responsibility of homeowners and the condominium.
- Lauralynn reported that Bernice Gottlieb was having renovations undertaken to the office in the accessory building.
- The water in the accessory building had been shut down for winter because in the past the pipes had frozen and the condominium had installed insulation on the pipes. The workman had installed new piping in the accessory building and Bernice had called Lauralynn and asked to have the water in the building turned on. The Board requested that Bay Management send a letter to Bernice stating that in the future, any proposed work must be submitted to the Board for review prior to starting any work and that the water to the second floor would remain available for use in the office provided:
- The scope of work for the renovation project is provided to the Board including any architectural or engineering plans for review.
- All changes and / or additions to existing pipes must be approved by the Board in writing.
- All existing and newly installed pipes must be well insulated. The contractor must provide written documentation verifying that the pipes are insulated to industry and or zoning standards.
- That Bernice assumes full responsibility for any maintenance changes or additions to the pipes and for any damage the additional or changed pipes may cause in the future to any of the office space or any of the common space located in the accessory building.
- All contractors working on site must provide a valid and current certificate of insurance naming Washington Head Quarter’s Homeowner’s Association as additionally insured to Bay Management.
- Lauralynn said that a home owner had noticed building rubble in the dumpster and brought it to homeowners attention. Bay and the Board followed up with contractors to ensure that they are aware that the dumpsters are for gardening debris only. Sharon had also emailed homeowners recently because there had been household trash in the dumpsters. Homeowners are reminded that the dumpsters are for gardening debris only and the condominium will be fined by the Sanitation Department if it contains household or other trash. Bay will have signs made and placed by the dumpsters to remind homeowners of this.
- Lauralynn asked Bay to have Rayal Tree care walk the property and provide a quote for tree maintenance that was needed before winter set in. Homeowners with concerns about particular tree were asked to notify Bay Managements. Mick asked Bay to have Rayal look at the tree between units 5 and 6. Lauralynn said that the branches over unit 19 also need to be cut back. Bay Management will also ask Rayal about feeding the trees in spring.
- Lauralynn asked Natasha to follow-up with Sharon about contacting Gary pest control and confirm that they were checking the rat traps and centricon system. Sharon had said she would do this at the last meeting.
- As reported at the last meeting, some homeowners had complained that they had noticed a slight smell of septic tanks after the work that had been done to unblock the drains near units 5, 6 and 7. Sharon had investigated and uncovered nothing.
- Natasha reported that there had been a delay in closing the tennis court. Oval expected to close the court tomorrow.
- Lauralynn said that all lights were currently working on the property.
- Lauralynn reported that the sprinkler system had been shut down for the winter.
- The Board discussed the deterioration of the exterior wall in the vicinity of Colonial Avenue. Lauralynn said she would ask Bento who was working on the masonry in the pool building to have a look at it and provide us with a recommendation about what repairs were required.
Next Meeting:Â The next Board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday January 13, 2009.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rob Parke, Secretary