Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2008-06-10 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

Visitors:                 Mick & Lynn Cartwright

Absent:                  Cheryl LeBan

Previous Minutes:

  • The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.


  • The Board approved paying $560 to Stan and Ann Winston for repairs to the masonry near the roof between unit 12 and 13.
  • Lauralynn said that she will ask Rolande for a quote for repairs to all units’ exteriors in preparation for painting all the exteriors that is required in the near future.  She will also ask Bay Management to obtain quotes to paint all exteriors.
  • Lauralynn said that there had been a car accident where a car had struck the perimeter wall near the exit.  Bay Management was following up to assess what recourse we might have to repair damage to the wall.  Ray said he would obtain a quote for the required repairs to the perimeter wall.


Lauralynn said that Rayol Trees would be on the property and had not needed to remove the tree in the center of the garden – it had only required careful rimming.  They recommended an additional day on the property of safety pruning and removing the tree in the front of unit 19 as it had become unstable and if it fell could cause substantial damage to the nearby units.  They also recommended watching the pine and the mulberry tree along the exterior wall of unit 4.  The trees were healthy and stable but extremely The trees were healthy and stable but extremely large and leaning towards the homes.  The Board approved asking Rayal to undertake the safety pruning and Lauralynn said she would obtain a up dated without the removal of the mulberry and white pine by unit 4.

  • Sabe suggested that we should consider new garden furniture in the formal garden as Carlo had improved the garden recently and more homeowners were using it.  Homeowners should contact Mary with any suggestions for garden furniture.

Swimming Pool:

  • Rob said that the pool temperature had been approaching 90 degrees when he was there.  Last season the Board agreed that the temperature should be kept between 78 and 82 (June 4, 2007 meeting).  If the heat was coming on in the summer, residents should contact Mary and she will turn it down.  The heater is on hold for the summer.
  • Lauralynn presented an updated proposal for repairs and upgrades to the swimming pool from Tobias Guggenheimer that the Board discussed at its last meeting.  As requested by homeowners at the last annual meeting, this contained estimated costs for the repairs and upgrades to allow homeowners to have a better sense of the scope of this phase of repairs.  Tobias as estimated a total of approximately $70,000 for the repairs discussed.  A copy of Tobias’s estimates is included with the minutes.  The cost of these repairs will result in an assessment to homeowners which will be determined once the bids have been finalized.
  • As a next step, Tobias proposed to $10,000 fee for drawing up more detailed specifications to allow a more precise quote and architectural management of the project.  Mary and Lauralynn said they believed we need to start theses repairs as soon as possible and the Board agreed to engage Tobias, subject to Mary and Lauralynn negotiating a satisfactory contract with Tobias.

Tennis Court

  • The Board asked Rob to remind homeowners that only residents and accompanied guests were permitted to use the tennis court.  If they saw anybody else using the courts homeowners should ask that they leave the property and report the incident to Lauralynn.  A chain has been added to wrap the door with the fence.  Homeowners are asked to place the lock within the chain so the door can not longer be pushed open even with the lock on.  The combination is 19-20-6.

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli handed out copies of the financial statements.


  • Eli reported that he and Ann Tannenbaum had attended a presentation by the town where plans for a new cross walk at the entrance of the property were discussed.  It is likely that this work would be undertaken in the fall and the Condominium would need to undertake some renovations to accommodate the new cross walk.  Ann and Cheryl will meet further with the town and present options to the Board.  Any homeowner interested in participating should contact Cheryl or Ann.
  • Mick and Lynn Cartwright presented a proposal to renovate their patio.  Lynn and Mick said they had discussed the proposal with neighboring homeowners who had not expressed any objections.  After some discussion, the proposal presented was approved.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday July 22, 2008.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

C:\Wash HQ\Board Minutes 6.10.08.doc

Email from Tobias Guggenheimer, May16th 2008

Per your request I have narrowed down the broader proposals received from the various contractors to focus on the items you felt to be the most pressing – which you will find below.  Please keep in mind that these are preliminary figures that are based on verbal instructions to the contractors. They are not based on drawings or specification. As a result, they are necessary somewhat vague.

If these figures are generally in your range, it will be time for us to create drawings and specifications for this work. This will allow the contractor to more specifically confirm his prices and for us to effectively communicate a more exact scope of work to him. For this service, and for architectural management for this scope of the project, I propose a fee of $10,000. Kindly let me know if this fee is acceptable. If so, I will provide a more formal proposal right away.

With Best Wishes,


1. Improve drainage at east door.

Lower ground level at door, install trench drain

Est. cost: $9,000

2. Repair manual and electric controls to roof vent

Est. cost: hourly

3. Repair screens, locks and sliding mechanisms


4. Improve drainage at N. Exterior wall

Fabricate and install copper gutters and leaders and drip edge


5. Scrape and paint east patio door and header beam


6. Masonry and lintel repair/replacement

Repair damaged bricks

Install soft joints per engineers report

Tuck-point 500sf masonry

Repair cracks in masonry wall

Clean interior and exterior walls by power washing

Install aluminum angles at trusses per Lenskold spec.

Install anchor bolts and clips per Lenskold spec.

Replace W. door

Replace 2 south windows w/removable glass panels

Caulking as required


7. Repair pool deck

Remove and replace all joints


8. Clean and seal aluminum trusses


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