Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2008-04-15 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke


Absent:                  Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan

Previous Minutes:

  • The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.


  • The Board approved paying $600 for repairs to the exterior window sills of unit 8.
  • Lauralynn said that Rolande was going to be repairing the exterior window sills on Unit 12 tomorrow.  The Board approved payment for these repairs.  Lauralynn said additional maintenance/repairs were required at unit 12.  She will meet with Rolande outside unit 12 on Saturday morning to review these and assess whether these should be undertaken at the expense of the condominium or the individual homeowner.
  • Lauralynn said that the catch basin and downspouts of all units would be cleaned in the next week.
  • Lauralynn said that an electrician had been called to repair the lights near the entrance.


  • Lauralynn said that Rayol Trees would be on the property next week to trim branches, remove a dead tree at the edge of the formal garden and remove the apple tree near the tennis court that was becoming increasingly unstable.
  • Mary reported that Carlo had mulched and fed the garden and would undertake spring plantings soon.  The Board approved the payment of $1,900 for the spring plantings
  • Mary said that Carlo had suggested planting a Colorado Blue in the traffic circle closest to the exit.  Some Board members thought a blooming tree would be more appropriate.  Mary and Sabe will review other options with Carlo.
  • Mary said that she will talk to Carlo about dredging the pond and coordinate with Bay to monitor that the requirements of the gardening contract were adhered to.

Swimming Pool:

  • Lauralynn said the pool would be open for use by homeowners from April 16.
  • Mary presented an outline of a plan and estimated costs from Tobias Guggenheimer on suggested repairs and upgrades to the swimming pool.  The Board requested information on items omitted (solar heating, ventilation and pool cover) and more details on some of the items provided.  Mary will talk with Tobias to obtain this information.  Once this information is provided the Board anticipates making a recommendation to homeowners and discussing options at a meeting of homeowners.

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli handed out copies of the financial statements.


  • The Board agreed on the installation of some new traffic signs on the property.
  • Lauralynn said that Ann Tannenbaum had not been able to make contact with the lawyer recommended by Bernice to review the condominium bylaws.  Eli said he would call another lawyer who was experienced in this area and see if he would be able to work with Ann on this.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday June 10, 2008.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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