Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association
Board Meeting
May 18, 2010
Eli Cohn, Mick Cartwright, Toni Schoen, Ann Tannenbaum, Sabin Meyer, Bernice Giscombe
Gary Zimmerman,
Phyllis Feinberg, Christina Bloise – Impact Management
All issues for the board or the management company can be emailed to board@washingtonshq.com, or telephone 914 512 8129.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 22nd, 7.30pm and will be held at unit 19.
New Residents
The board welcomed Phyllis Feinberg to the Washington’s Headquarters community.
Previous Minutes:
The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Eli presented the latest statements. We remain in a good position financially, despite having spent approximately $85,000 on the combined white woodwork and black woodwork painting and repair projects. This large expense reflected the poor state of the woodwork throughout and the quantity of repairs needed before painting could be completed.
Insurance Audit
Eli, successfully appealed the $8,500 assessment and reduced the bill to $0. The board offered its vote of thanks to Eli for the time he took on this matter.
By Laws Review
Mick will prepare a draft submission for review by the board at the next meeting, in preparation for circulation to all home owners prior to the AGM.
Swimming Pool
- The thermostat and timer controls have been replaced and a steady temperature is now being maintained.
- Anyone still without the new key should contact Mick Cartwright (917 442 5366) to arrange to pick one up.
Tennis Court
- The tennis court is now open. As a reminder the combination lock is 19-20-6
Eli and Eli Cohn have offered to donate some furniture to the garden. If this can be used it may save us any additional expense in replacing the existing furniture.
Anne and Toni conducted a walk through with Carlos to ensure that he is attending to all areas of the communal garden and to look for solutions to a number of issues. We now have a quote from Carlos for the extras and will review this with him.
It was felt by various people that Carlos and his team are not giving the same care and attention to the gardens that they did during their first year under contract. They are missing various areas and these issues will be brought up with Carlos.
The sprinkler system has been turned on and a few minor problems are being attended to.
If you have any issues to raise regarding the gardening, please contact Anne (674 1117)
We need to remove a tree from behind number 19, and trim a tree in front of number 2.  If anyone knows of additional tree work that needs doing, please contact Mick Cartwright as soon as possible so that we can carry out this work as one job.
The quotes to remove the tree from behind #19 are:
Rayal Tree Care         $2,000
Westchester tree       $1,500
Outside Lighting
This item held over until next meeting, pending Gary Zimmerman’s availability.
Front Wall Repairs
We are still gathering quotes and this is held over until the next meeting.
Driveway Repairs
Quotes were received from five companies to undertake the repair patches, crack fixing and sealing work. Two companies have been selected as preferred vendors and we will proceed with clarification of the job specifications and seek references on the companies work.  We hope to be in a position to make a decision at the next meeting.
The current quotes under consideration are:
Tri State Asphalt                                $7,650
Tri County Seal Coat & Landscape:Â Â Â $6,500
These costs may change as we clarify the specification.
As part of the work on the driveway we expect to have speed humps installed. Instead of the removable yellow plastic speed humps, we propose to have permanent built in humps, similar to those that can be found on Northfield Avenue. (Northfield Ave is parallel to the Saw Mill River parkway and runs between Ashford Ave and Cyrus Field Road). We will be seeking advice on these from the driveway repair companies.
Other Business
- The concrete apron in front of unit 16’s garage has been repaired.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mick Cartwright