The next Board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday January 19, 2010
Washington’s Headquarters Homeowners Association
Board of Managers Meeting
December 1, 2009
Present: Mick Cartwright, Eli Cohn, Bernice Giscombe, Sabin Meyer, Rob Parke, Toni Schoen, Ann Tannenbaum
Visitors:               Stuart Halper – Impact Management, Gregory Cohen – Impact Management,  Christina Bloise – Impact Management,  Erin Coyne  – Unit 17, Jeff Coyne – Unit 17
Previous Minutes:
- The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Management Company
- Mick report that Sharon Hart had sold Bay Management Company to Impact Real Estate Management Inc. He introduced Stuart Halper, Gregory Cohen and Christina Bloise from Impact Management who gave a presentation of their services.
- They have been in business 13 years with their main office in Queens. They also have an office in Manhattan and have recently opened an office in Tarry town to service the Westchester market. If they keep all of Bay’s properties they will have 5 properties in Westchester.
- The main office is open 9am to 5pm weekdays but there is always a manger on call.
- They would be willing to work with the Board on whatever basis makes sense and can provide as few or as many services as we like. They will honor the Bay Management Contract at the same price for the next 2 years.
- Each of their properties will have 1 manager and an assistant. The intention is for Chistina to continue as the manager for Washington’s Head Quarters.
- Impact will send the Board monthly management reports which will include copies of all correspondence, letter produced, emails, bills received and a log of all activities.
- Stuart said he would send the Board references.
- After Impact had left the Board agreed to continue using Impact on a month to month basis while we tried out their service.
- All issues for the board or the management company can be emailed to, or telephone 914 512 8129
- Mick reported that a report had been sent to homeowners for Unit 21. If they repaired their patio this would likely stop the leaks into the basement. Repairs to patios were the responsibility of the individual homeowner.
- Mick reported that the main drain between units 12 and 13 had been backing up. This had been cleared. He also noted that all the drains in the property would need to be cleared every 6 months.
- Mick reported that the gutters on all units would be cleaned this week. He would look into obtaining an annual contract so that the gutters of all units were regularly cleaned.
- Mick said the Gardening contract ended at the end of November. The Board agreed that Carlos had done a good job and would like to continue using him. Ann said she would ask Carlos for a contract and to propose a price for continuing to work with the Condominium.
- Mick reported that he had renewed the snow removal contract with Civitano for the upcoming season.
- Mick reported that the tennis court was closed for the season.
Swimming Pool:
- Sabe reported that the swimming pool was closed for the season.
Financial Accounts:
- Eli handed out copies of the financial statements (attached).
- Eli reminded homeowners that an extra month of common charges was due before the end of February 2010.
- The Board welcomed Erin Weinrauch and Jeff Coyne – the new owners of Unit 17.
- The Board agreed to give Holiday gifts of $100 to Sid (handyman), Dobbs Ferry Police, Dobbs Ferry Fire Department and Dobbs Ferry Ambulance and $50 to both sanitation workers. These were token amounts and the Board urged homeowners to make their own contributions if they wanted to.
- The Board reminds homeowners that the visitors’ parking spaces (near the swimming pool) are for the use of visitors and NOT homeowners. Some homeowners were parking their vehicles in the visitors parking on a more or less permanent basis.
- The Board also reminds homeowners that parking in front of their units was not permitted as this was a hazard. Emergency vehicles may not be able to pass if required. This was particularly true in front of units 9 through 13.
- Toni said that the lights outside the pool did not appear to be working. Mick said he would follow up with Impact.
- The Board discussed (again) the possibility of trying some solar powered lights around the property. Eli said he would investigate.
- Mick said he still needed to follow-up on getting quotes to repair the perimeter wall. He would contact Impact about possible vendors to contact.
- Mick reported that the broken branch from the willow tree at the entrance had been removed. The tree was stable and did not need to be removed.
Next Meeting: The next Board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday January 19, 2010. Toni offered to host the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rob Parke, Secretary