Board of Managers Meeting
May 26, 2009
Present: Mick Cartwright, Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Bernice Giscombe, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Sabin Meyer.
Visitors: Natasha Kaye, Eleanor Cohn
Absent: Rob Parke
Previous Minutes: Board Approved the Minutes of the last Meeting.
- Eli recommended that the condo insurance should be reviewed by an experienced insurance broker to see if the coverage is adequate.
- It was reported that the garden light was out. .Mary suggested that we might test solar lighting as an additional source. It was agreed that a test be conducted with one light.
- Sabin suggested that the speed bumps were an eye-sore and ineffective. He suggested that a speed control become part of the roadway.
- Laura suggested that the dumpsters be removed since they are not used properly and debris should be removed by Carlos.
- Sprinklers are now operating properly and the property was cleaned and planted by Carlos and is in good condition. Pool is open and people who need keys should call Lauralynn.
- Pool opening ceremonies will be on May 31, 2009 at 5:30PM. Cocktails and appetizers to be served in the garden.RSVP to Cheryl Leban by email or 914-478-3634.
- Mick has negotiated the painting contract of the white trim with Roalnd Sandoval. It will include sanding and scraping and certain repairs.
- Very important. Homeowners should have the garage door springs examined to see if safety cords are present. If they snap without the cords, severe injury and damage can occur.
- Bernice reported that she and David Schoen, Tony Schoen and Ann Tannenbaum are continuing to review the condo bylaws with our attorney.
- Eli submitted the treasurer’s report. He feels that we have sufficient fund available to pay for the painting of the exteriors without an assessment.
- Mary suggested that the pool deck be painted. Estimates will be obtained.
- All agreed that the roadway needs sealing. Bay Management will obtain estimates.
Minutes prepared by Elly Cohn.