Present: Mick Cartwright, Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke
Visitors:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Natasha Kaye – Bay Management
Absent:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Bernice Giscombe, Sabin Meyer
Previous Minutes:
- The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.
- Lauralynn reported that some lights were out on the property. These could not be repaired until the weather was warmer because the ground was frozen and the problems were underground. Bay Management would schedule the repairs as soon as the weather allowed.
- Mary asked Bay Management to investigate the costs of free-standing solar lights that she thought might solve some of the continuing problems with lights on the property.
- Lauralynn said she had received a contract from Carlos for the gardening which was in-line with last year’s contract. The Board had been happy with Carlos but the company who does snow removal had asked if they could bid on the gardening contract and Lauralynn said she would ask them to bid on the contract and provide reference. If this quote was significantly cheaper we might need to review renewing with Carlos.
Swimming Pool:
- Lauralynn said that Tobias Guggenheimer had provided her with quotes for all remaining work on the pool. The Board reviewed the proposal and agreed to only undertake the repairs to the roof supports that had been recommended by the engineer ($14,225) and to add gutters to the back of the pool ($2,600) and water diverts above the new lintels ($1,050). The Board believed that painting of the deck ($7,000) was unnecessary at this point.
- The Board also discussed the additional fee requested by Tobias to oversee the work and asked Mick and Lauralynn to review the original contract signed with Tobias and to discuss this with him.
- Natasha said that H20 would be changing the main drain ($2,000) in the pool on March 19 to comply with code. Bay Management would apply for the pool permit and contact H20 about opening the pool. Homeowners would be notified as soon as all repairs were complete and the pool was open for use.
Financial Accounts:
- Eli handed out the financial statements (attached).
- The Board discussed upcoming repairs and maintenance on the property. It was likely that we would need to begin a phased repair to the perimeter wall and undertake painting and repairs to all “black areas†of homeowner units and common areas.
- Lauralynn said that she would ask Bento who had done the masonry work on the swimming pool to provide a quote for the work. The work should be undertaken over a number of years with a view to spreading the cost.
- Mick said he would call Rolande and Sean O’Connell to refresh their bids to undertake repairs and painting. The Board discussed that it expected to obtain more competitive quotes in the current tough economic environment than we had received in the past. It was expected that this work might begin in the spring.
- Eli reported that a few homeowners had not yet paid the final installment of the special assessment and the extra February condominium payment. These were due March 1 and he expected to receive them in the next few days.
- Lauralynn handed out a letter from Bradley D. Wank of DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP discussing his overview of the offering plan and by-laws (attached with these minutes). Homeowners had asked the Board to have these reviewed particularly with respect to condominium versus individual homeowners’ responsibilities for repair etc. The Board asked Lauralynn to talk with Bernice Giscombe about establishing a subcommittee of homeowners to review Bradley’s letter and to recommend changes for presentation to homeowners. The Board thought Toni or David Schoen and Ann Tannenbaum might be good candidates to work with Bernice on the subcommittee.
- Natasha reported that as requested at the last meeting Bay Management had sent a letter to Bernice Gotttlieb stating that in future any proposed work must be submitted to the Board for review prior to starting any work and that the water to the second floor would remain available for use in the office provided:
- The scope of work for the renovation project is provided to the Board including any architectural or engineering plans for review.
- All changes and / or additions to existing pipes must be approved by the Board in writing.
- All existing and newly installed pipes must be well insulated. The contractor must provide written documentation verifying that the pipes are insulated to industry and or zoning standards.
- That Bernice assumes full responsibility for any maintenance changes or additions to the pipes and for any damage the additional or changed pipes may cause in the future to any of the office space or any of the common space located in the accessory building.
- All contractors working on site must provide a valid and current certificate of insurance naming Washington Head Quarter’s Homeowner’s Association as additionally insured to Bay Management.
- This had been done 3 times and had been followed up with an email. No response had been received from Bernice.
- Eli requested that as Bernice was using the auxiliary building as her office that the Condominium needed to receive copies of Bernice’s liability and workman’s compensations policies. The Board asked Bay Management to request copies from Bernice for the Condominium’s records.
- Mick reminded Bay Management to have signs made for the dumpsters that said that dumpsters are for gardening debris only. He also asked Bay to have the latches to the dumpsters repaired.
- Lauralynn said that the ladder used by Bay to change the light bulbs had disappeared from the garage. If a homeowner had borrowed it they are requested to return it. Lauralynn asked Bay to purchase a new ladder if the old one is not returned.
Next Meeting:Â The next Board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday April 4, 2009.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rob Parke, Secretary