Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2008-09-14 Board Meeting

Present: Mick Cartwright, Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Bernice Giscombe, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke



Office Located in Accessory Building:

The Board met in a special meeting to discuss the news that Bernice Gottlieb (Unit 1) was advertising the office above the swimming pool for rental.

  • Mary said that she had spoken with Bernice who had confirmed that she was interested in renting the office and that she was open to considering leasing or selling the rights to use the office to the Association.
  • The office is a limited common element for the exclusive use of the owners of Unit 1.  After reviewing the offering document and by-laws the Board agreed:
    • the by-laws restrict use of the limited common element to use as a professional office by a resident provided all local zoning regulations are met (By-Laws, page 104, Section 12, Paragraph (a))
    • no portion of any unit (other than the entire unit) can be rented or sold. (Offering Document page 9)
  • The Board asked Rob to send Bernice a letter explaining that the by-laws did not permit her to lease the office separately from her unit and the space was restricted to use only by a resident.
  • There was general consensus among Board members that if Bernice wished to surrender her exclusive rights to the use of the office the Association should consider assuming its maintenance and repairs.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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