Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2008-07-22 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Sabin Meyer, Cheryl LeBan, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

Visitors:                 Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Natasha Kaye – Bay Management


Previous Minutes:

  • The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.


  • Lauralynn reported that the condominium would have to undertake exterior painting of all units (both white and black) before winter.  She had done a walk through of the property with a contractor recommended by Bay Management.  They also been inside a few units to see the condition of some of the window sills.  She reported that there was significant deterioration of many of the window sills both interior and exterior which would likely require repair and replacement.  The Condominium would be undertaking repairs and replacement for exterior sills but at the same time it would be prudent for homeowners to undertake any necessary repairs to interior sills.  She will likely try and reach an arrangement with the selected contractor so that individual homeowners could have repairs done on interior sills at the same time (at their own expense) if they wanted to do this.  Homeowner who think repairs will be required to sills in their unit (interior or exterior) should contact Lauralynn to schedule a convenient time for this to be reviewed.  Without notification and an inspection of potential problems repairs may not be undertaken by the contractor when the work is undertaken.
  • The Board discussed how to pay for the repairs and painting of unit exteriors and agreed that this would likely be paid from the reserve fund.
  • Lauralynn said that she had a quote from Rolande for repairs to all units’ exteriors in preparation for painting.  She is waiting for a quote from another contractor recommended by Bay Management.
  • Lauralynn said that except for the light at the entrance all lights were working.  There continued to be problems with this light and Bay Management would undertake further investigation and try and remedy this.


  • Lauralynn said that Rayol Trees had been on the property and had removed all dead trees and had trimmed a number of trees.
    • The Board discussed the silting of the pond and decided to ask Carlo to dredge the pond again.  Carlo’s contract included dredging of the pond twice a year.  The Board also discussed the possibility of hiring a contractor to undertake a more extensive clearing of silt in the near future.  This will be discussed again at a future meeting.
    • Lauralynn said that there were a number of areas around the property which were not reached by the sprinkler system and she encouraged homeowners to water these areas in the hot weather.
    • Lauralynn said that Carlo had cleared the weeds along Colonial and she would talk to Carlo about removing poison ivy from around the tennis court.
    • Sabe said he was still investigating appropriate screening for the gate that exited the property between units 18 and 19.

Swimming Pool:

  • Lauralynn said that Tobias Guggenheimer had visited the property and discussed a schedule for the needed repairs to the swimming pool.  He would try and schedule repairs to minimize disruption to the use of the pool this summer.  He would likely begin with improving drainage around the exterior pond/water fall and then follow this by adding a gutter to the roof on the north side of the pool.  He will be providing Lauralynn with more details and cost estimates in the near future.  The Board again discussed the costs of repairs to the pool.  They will likely be in the region of $80,000 in total and would require an assessment of homeowners.  This would be further discussed with homeowners at the annual meeting.

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli handed out copies of the financial statements.
  • The Board discussed that most of the Condominium’s expenses were increasing significantly and that an increase in common charges would likely be necessary.  This will be further discussed at the next meeting in preparation for a wider discussion with all homeowners at the Annual Meeting.


  • The Board discussed a request by David Schoen to allow use of the visitor’s parking spot by Units 4 and 5.  David had made this request because birds were eating the berries on the trees above these parking spots and soiling the cars below.  The Board agreed to allow units 4 and 5 to use the visitor’s parking spot during the spring and summer months when this was a problem.  During this time homeowners should use Unit 5 for the visitors spot.  Lauralynn noted that when renovations begin on the pool the visitor’s spot will need to be vacant for workers.
  • Recently some homeowners had taken to using the visitors spot for extended periods.  The Board reminds homeowners that the visitor spot was to be used only by visitors and was NOT an overflow spot for use by homeowners
  • The Board discussed a number of incidents recently when visitors were parking around the traffic circle.  Homeowners are reminded that this is not permitted and VISITORS SHOULD ONLY PARK IN THE VISITOR”S PARKING SPOT OR OFF THE PROPERTY.  The Board discussed a number of options to enforce this if it continued to be a problem.
  • The Board set the date for the Annual Meeting as Wednesday September 3rd, 2008.  Details will be sent to homeowners shortly.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday August 27, 2008.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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