Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2008-01-07 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

Visitors:                 Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Mick Cartwright, Lynn Cartwright


Previous Minutes:

  • The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Laurlynn welcomed Mick and Lynn Cartwright, new homeowners, in unit 6 and invited them to stay for the meeting.


  • As discussed at the last meeting the Board has decided to replace Regina and engage Carlo Fraoli for landscaping:
    • The Board asked Mary and Lauralynn to agree a 1 year contract with Carlo that would address the limited landscaping needs of the property during the winter months.  Eli asked that they obtain copies of Carlo’s workers compensation coverage, employer id number etc.  The Board agreed to engage Carlo from March 1 even though this would overlap with the old contract by a month because it was important that Carlo do early plantings and spring preparation on the property before April 1.
    • The Board asked Steve to notify Regina that her contract was not being extended after the contract with Carlo was finalized.

Swimming Pool:

  • Lauralynn reported that she and Mary had met with Tobias Guggenheimer early December to engage him to develop a plan to undertake and oversee the renovations to the pool.  This plan was discussed at the last Board meeting and reflected the a consensus of homeowners:
    • Not too undertake a major renovation that would result in an all weather facility
    • Repair the roof, doors, windows etc.
    • Consider green energy, including a pool cover
    • Consider enhancements to the outside areas by the pool entrance and around the waterfall.
  • Lauralynn said she had called Tobias a few times for a status update but had not had a return phone call.  She will follow-up.

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli handed out copies of the financial statements.  He said that he expected the reserve fund to increase to about $50,000 this month.  He noted that heating costs for the swimming pool had been very low over the last year (even after a large increase in fuel costs) because of maintaining the water at a lower temperature.  Rob said he would post copies of the condominium’s year end balance sheet on the website.
  • Eli reported that he had sent holiday gifts to the Police, Fire Department and Sanitation.
  • Eli said he will remind homeowners that an additional condominium fee was due in February (13 payments are payable by homeowners each year with the 13th due in February)


  • Steve reported that the condominium’s Insurance Carrier was investigating a leaking roof at unit 1 that was possibly damage caused by wind.
  • The Board agreed to erect a plaque in front of the new tree in the traffic circle near the exit to commemorate Fred Gottlieb.  Mary will talk to Bernice once the tree is planted.
  • Lauralynn asked Rob to send a letter to homeowners to remind them that before work is done on a unit, the homeowner was required to notify Bay Management and provide appropriate evidence of contractor insurance before proceeding.  There had been a number of incidents recently when dumpsters were placed on the property and work undertaken by homeowners without appropriate authorization and notification.
  • Lauralynn asked Rob to remind Toni and Bernice to provide the recommendations for attorneys to review the condominium’s bylaws that they had volunteered at the annual meetings.  These should be sent to Eli and Lauralynn.  As discussed at the annual meeting it was important that the bylaws are updated and clarified.  Once we engaged an attorney the Board would appoint a subcommittee to work with the attorney.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday March 13, 2008 at Eli’s house.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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