Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2007-03-26 Board Meeting


Present: Eli Cohn, Mary Donovan, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke



Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • A number of homeowners had expressed concerns about the quality of the plowing after the last snow storm.  This had been discussed and addressed with the contractor.  In addition, our expectations on management of the crew will be clarified in next year’s contract.


  • Mary is still trying to schedule a meeting with Carlos Fraoli to discuss landscaping in the two circles.  She will get a quote for his suggested plantings in these areas.
  • The Board agreed to remove and replace the trees around unit 13.  Cheryl will obtain quotes for removal and replacement of the trees for Board approval.
  • The Board approved payment for the dredging of the pond.  Bay Management confirmed that Regina had not wanted the dredging of the pond to be included in the gardening contract and that the price of the contract had been reduced accordingly.  Lauralynn will clarify whether this adjustment had occurred.
  • Lauralynn said she had discussed with Regina the Board’s concerns about the quality of the plantings on the property.  Regina had agreed to work with Laurlynn and Mary on improving the situation this spring.

Swimming Pool:

  • Lauralynn said that she had spoken with H20 Pool about the scheduled resurfacing and other repairs to the pool.  They expect these repairs to take about 2 weeks and that the pool should be open in early May.
    • The Board selected the color of the tiles for the pool – any homeowner interested in seeing samples can contact Lauralynn.
    • The pool will be resurfaced in a light grey which will show less dirt than the current color
  • Ray and Sabe are still obtaining quotes to repair/replace the pool door.
  • Lauralynn presented the Engineers report on the swimming pool – attached.
    • She will obtain quotes for the recommended repairs to the masonry and roof
  • The Board approved payment to H20 for pool maintenance this season

Financial Accounts:

  • Eli discussed the financial accounts.  He said that he had received an assessment from the State to pay taxes of $800 because of taxable interest the Condominium receives.  He had paid the tax and filed for a refund.  He will research if he is able to invest the Condominium’s reserves in tax free accounts.


  • Lauralynn said that a number of homeowners had not yet provided emergency contact information to Eli.  If a Homeowner is not intending to provide this information to Eli she asked that the homeowner inform Eli of this or to forward this information to him.
  • The Board authorized payment to Gary Pest Control for termite control
  • The Board authorized payment to Oval Tennis Court for maintenance of the tennis court this season.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday May 8, 2007.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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