Present: Eli Cohn, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke
Visitor:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dale Greenwald
Absent:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mary Donovan
Previous Minutes:Â The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Maintenance:Â Lauralynn reported:
- All outside lights were currently working on the property except for the light by the tennis court. ConEd, who is responsible for this light, has been contacted. A few bulbs needed to be changed.
- The dumpster locks had been repaired.
- Cracks in the road would be sealed the week of November 19th, weather permitting. A note had been sent to homeowners. She will ask Steve Fanelli to supervise the contractors.
- The painting of the white trim on all units except unit 20. She will follow up with the Giblins to arrange access to their unit.
- The black paint on all garage doors would be power washed. Ray and Eli would evaluate if repairs were required at any unit.
Gardening: The pond had been dredged. The Board agreed to defer discussion on changing landscapers and new plantings until the recommended renovations to the pool had been approved by homeowners.
Sprinkler System: The sprinklers had been drained and closed for the season.
Swimming Pool:  Dale presented the recommendations of the Pool Committee. Phase 1 was essentially to repair the existing pool surface and structure – some of the repairs would be undertaken in a way that allowed for possible future improvements in later phases. To enable the pool to reopen in the spring this work would need to commence in the next few weeks. Projected Costs for Phase 1 of the renovations were approximately $75,000.
The Board discussed the proposal and agreed that proceeding would require an assessment and decided to ask homeowners to approve proceeding with phase 1 of the pool renovation and an assessment of $80,000 to cover the expected costs. A few quotes needed to be finalized but, if homeowners approved the assessment and renovations, the Board asked Lauralynn and the Pool Committee to undertake the repairs/renovations outlined in phase 1. The Pool Committee will prepare a letter describing their recommendations. This will be sent to homeowners with a request to approve an assessment of $80,000.
The Pool will be closed for the season at the end of November.
Financial Accounts:Â Eli discussed the financial accounts.
Cheryl distributed a form to collect homeowners emergency contact information. The Board approved the form with some suggested changes. Homeowners will be asked to complete the form and copies will be on file with Bay Management and the Dobbs Ferry Police Department. Board members will also have a copy. Rob will distribute copies to all homeowners by email. Cheryl will give all homeowners hard copies.
Lauralynn asked that homeowners not allow workers to park in another homeowner’s parking spot without their prior permission and agreement.
Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday January 9, 2007 at Sabe’s house.
Respectfully Submitted,