Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2006-06-19 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Ray Fattorini, Cheryl LeBan, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Rob Parke

: Steve Fanelli – Bay Management

Absent:                  Dale Greenwald

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting with one correction; the damage to the cobblestones and sign in front of unit 9 caused by the snow ploughs this winter still needed to be repaired.  Steve will follow up on this.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • Steve presented a proposal to repair the keystone in unit 14 which the Board approved.
  • Steve presented a proposal to repair the perimeter wall.  He will obtain additional quotes.

Gardening: At the last meeting the Board asked Steve to get quotes from Landscape Architects to develop a landscaping plan for the property.  Steve said he was meeting with a number on Wednesday and expected to have proposals for the next meeting

Sprinkler System: Lauralynn asked Steve to have Marcenco check the sprinkler in the circle nearest the exit was not coming on.

Swimming Pool:  The Board agreed at the last meeting to purchase a solar blanket that would cover the pool when it was not in use.  Steve provided details to Eli who will place an order.

Rob said that the new brush for the pool was too short to reach all areas in the pool.  Steve will purchase a longer pole.  If homeowners brushed the bottom of the pool after use this would reduce the algae that were accumulating on the pool surfaces.  It was difficult to keep these algae under control because of the poor condition of the pool surfaces.

Lauralynn said that the pool committee was meeting again next week and would have a recommendation for homeowners at the annual meeting on repairing and upgrading the pool.

Pest Control: Steve said he had met with Garrie and was meeting with them again to walk the property.  He will be monitoring their performance and once he is satisfied with the plan they agree to allow him to do this he will approve payment of their bill.

Tree Care: Lauralynn reported that Rayal Tree Service will be on the property on Wednesday to look at a tree near the tennis court that was damaged and to remove the stump in the circle at closest to the exit.  The Board asked Rob to send an email to homeowners asking them to contact Steve if they wanted Rayal to look at any trees on the property at that time.

Financial Accounts:  Eli discussed the financial accounts.


Steve said he was waiting for a call back from the engineers s he could get an evaluation of he drainage behind units 9 through 13 for the Board to consider.

Ray said he had been unable to find a convenient time to repair the damage to the window ledges in the unit 14.  Any damage to windows was the responsibility of the homeowner but damage to the ledges was the responsibility of the Condominium.  Steve had a quote to repair the ledges.  The Board asked Steve to obtain another quote.  Lauralynn and Steve will contact Gary Giscombe and arrange to replace the ledges in unit 14.

At the last meeting, the Board agreed that we needed to paint and repair all the exterior woodwork on all units.  Steve said he was obtaining quotes to do this.

Lauralynn asked Steve to check when all the gutters had last been cleaned and to have them cleaned if it was not done recently.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday July 20th, 2006 at Ray’s house.

Annual Meeting:  The Annual meeting was scheduled for Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 at the Dobbs Ferry Library.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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