Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2006-05-16 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Dale Greenwald, Rob Parke

Gary Giscombe – Homeowner

Absent:                  Cheryl Leban

Previous Minutes:  The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Maintenance:  Lauralynn reported:

  • All outside lights were currently working on the property.
  • The damage caused to the roadway, cobble stones and signs by the snow ploughs this winter had been repaired.
  • Steve was attempting to meet with a contractor recommended by Peter Johantgten to undertake repairs to cracked keystones in some of the units.  He was also attempting to contact Peter Johantgten to engage him to observe the arches on the property on a regular basis and recommend further repairs as and when necessary.

Gardening: After some discussion the Board agreed that it would be beneficial to hire a consultant to develop a long term landscaping plan for the property as we had lost a number of trees in the last few years and many homeowners felt that some plantings needed replacement.  The Board will ask Steve to get quotes from Landscape Architects to develop a landscaping plan for the property.  Sabe said he would forward the name of someone whose work he was impressed with to Steve.  Lauralynn said Cheryl had recommended someone and she would she would ask Cheryl to forward contact details to Steve.  The Board hoped that they would be able to engage someone before the next Board meeting as it was important to undertake new plantings, including a replacement tree in the circle as soon as possible.  The Board would review and discuss proposals by email.

The Board asks all homeowners to contact Steve Fanelli at Bay Management if they are aware of any planting that need to be removed.

Sprinkler System: Lauralynn reported that a leak had been repaired in the sprinkler system and Marcenco had checked that it was working properly.  He also confirmed that the system had a moisture gage that prevented the system from turning on when it was not needed.  The system was programmed to come on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with the rotation beginning at 1.30am and ending at about 5am.  The tennis court sprinkler system was now operational and comes on every day.

Swimming Pool:  Lauralynn reported that the pool was open.

The Board agreed to purchase a solar blanket that would cover the pool when it was not in use.  This should improve the efficiency of the heating system and help prevent evaporation.

Lauralynn will ask Steve to purchase a new brush for the pool.  If homeowners brushed the bottom of the pool after use this would reduce the algae that were accumulating on the pool surfaces.  It was difficult to keep these algae under control because of the poor condition of the pool surfaces.

Lauralynn said that the pool committee was still working on a recommendation to homeowners at the annual meeting on repairing and upgrading the pool.

Pest Control: The Board reviewed quotes for pest control.  It was agreed that we will continue to use Garrie but that Ray and Steve will meet with Garrie to review the master trap map.  The Board will also ask Steve to closely monitor Garrie’s performance and to report to the Board what they were doing each month.

Tree Care: Lauralynn reported that Rayal Tree Service had treated all trees and removed dead and damaged branches.

Financial Accounts:  Eli presented the financial accounts.


Lauralynn reported that the damaged portion of the privacy wall between units 9 and 10 had been removed.  The area would be cleaned up and soil added but any new planting would be delayed until any further deterioration to the immediate area had been halted.

The Board discussed the fact that the gutters at the back of units 9 through 13 were not connected into a drainage system but were directed into the ground behind each unit.  This was likely causing the deterioration of the property between unit 9 and 10 and to the property behind other units in this row.  The Board will ask Steve to obtain quotes to evaluate the drainage behind units 9 through 13 for the Board to evaluate.

The Board discussed the damage to the window ledges in the unit 14.  Any damage to windows was the responsibility of the homeowner but damage to the ledges was the responsibility of the Condominium.  The Board asked Ray to contact Gary Giscombe and arrange to replace the ledges in unit 14.

The Board agreed that we needed t paint and repair all the exterior woodwork on all units and will ask Steve to obtain 3 quotes for discussion at the next Board meeting.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday June 20th, 2006 at Sabe’s house.  The following meeting will be held at Ray’s house

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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