Washington's Head Quarters Townhouses

2006-01-10 Board Meeting

Present: Eli Cohn, Dale Greenwald, Cheryl Leban, Sabin Meyer, Lauralynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Rob Parke


Bay Management:  Lauralynn distributed a monthly checklist of tasks undertaken by Bay that she had been sent Steve Fanelli.  She will distribute this list by email to Board members who will provide her with comments.

Eli reported that he had received details of all Bay charges since the last meeting.  Lauralynn will ask Bay to provide a brief description of time charges in future.

Gardening:  Lauralynn reported that Bay management had provided her with information from Marenco Lawn Sprinkler Company on how much water was used by our sprinkler system.  For the next meeting, Eli will provide unit costs and also historic details of past water usage so that the Board could assess whether the recent increases in water costs was reasonable.

The Board decided to ask Bay to oversee dredging of the pond as this was currently undertaken by the gardeners but on a subcontracted basis as an accommodation to the condominium.

Swimming Pool:  The Board discussed the need for a major overhaul and repair to the pool and pool building.  Lauralynn said she would ask Bay to obtain quotes to upgrade the pool and pool building.  This would include quotes for improvements that would make the pool more energy efficient and also allow possible year round use of the pool.  Dale said he would present at the next Board meeting information he had collected on repairs and improvement to the swimming pool in the past.  Based on this information the Board expected to provide a recommendation to Homeowners at the next annual meeting.

The Board agreed that it was unlikely that any major repairs would be undertaken on the pool before the end of summer.  They expected the pool to reopen for use in April.

Pest Control: Garrie Pest Control had provided a quote to exterminate the crickets that had become a problem in some units.  Lauralynn will ask Bay to obtain more details of what Garrie was proposing in their quote and also to obtain quotes from other providers.

Capital Budget: Rob will email to Board member a spread sheet to assist in collecting Board members thinking about future capital projects.  Board members will review all inputs and provide comments to Rob before the next meeting.

Tree Care: Steve Fanelli reported that Royal Tree Service will be on the property January 16th with Bay Management.  Homeowners are requested to contact Steve if they believe any trees around their unit are in need of attention.

Financial Accounts:  Eli reviewed all outstanding bills with the Board for approval and presented the financial accounts.  He said that he had been unable to locate some of the previous homeowners who were entitled to a portion of the tax refund received by the condominium.  These are:


Barbara Muller

Louise Kreisberg

P.J. Fung

James & Theresa Dooner

Ameleto Masticelli

Sylvia Fishman

Homeowners with contact details for the above people are asked to contact Eli at esc8660@hotmail.com

Miscellaneous:  Lauralynn reported that Bay Management had arranged for an engineer recommended by Dale, Peter Johnatgen, to visit the property to inspect the cracked keystone in unit 21 and the mansard roofs on all the units.  If necessary the Board will make a recommendation to homeowners about any repairs needed to the mansard roofs after his report.

Lauralynn reported that Bay Management confirmed that all gutter covers had been replaced after the last cleaning.

Lauralynn reported that Steve Fanelli will be reviewing damage to the window in unit 14 to confirm that this was not a condominium responsibility.

The Board reminded homeowners to remove wood piles from areas of common ground and suggested they also do this from other areas as they provided an attractive habitat for termites which were difficult and costly to exterminate.

Rob said he would investigate establishing a website for the condominium.  All documents related to the condominium could be posted there for easy access by homeowners.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday February 7th, 2006.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rob Parke, Secretary

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