Present: Eli Cohn, Dale Greenwald, Laura Lynn O’Halloran, Ray Fattorini, Sabin Meyer, Rob Parke
Absent:Â Cheryl Leban
Officers: The Board elected the following officers for the year:
President: Lauralynn O’Halloran
Vice President:Â Ray Fattorini
Secretary:Â Rob Parke
Treasurer:Â Eli Cohn
Lauralynn asked that if homeowners need to contact her to do it via email. Â Her email address is
Bay Management: The Board discussed the Bay Management contract. The Board agreed that Bay Management would be invited to the next Board meeting to discuss the operation of the current contract and revisit the tasks currently provided by Bay. Lauralynn will distribute copies of the current Bay Management contract to Board members in advance of the meeting.
The Board agreed that in future Bay Management should talk with Ray before proceeding with any work on the property, including all requests by homeowners. Ray will have the authority to approve all work that does not exceed $500 without obtaining approval from the Board.
Roadway: Toni Schoen reported that a large amount of pooling was occurring in front of unit 5. A number of other homeowners had reported similar problems. Homeowners are requested to report these problems to Dale Greenwald ( who will bring them to the attention of the contractor.
Lauralynn reported that the road way sealing was complete. However, the cobblestones required clean up in some areas. Ray will call the contractor to request that the clean up is undertaken as soon as possible. The Board agreed to withhold $500 from the final payment until the clean up had been completed to Ray’s satisfaction.
Lauralynn reported that repairs to the fire hydrant were complete.
Swimming Pool: The Board voted to close the pool on November 15, 2005.
A number of Board member felt that there had been problems this season with the maintenance of the pool. This would be discussed with Bay Management at the next Board meeting. In addition, the Board felt that there had been a general deterioration in the condition of the pool building and pool and that as part of this years Capital Budgeting process that it should review options for improving the condition the pool and its’ operating efficiency. At the next Board meeting Dale will provide Board members with copies of information and quotes he had collected some years ago with respect to upgrading the pool and pool building.
Tennis Court:Â Oval Tennis will close the tennis court on November 7, 2005.
Pest Control: The Board requested that Steve Fanelli contact Garrie Pest Control and instruct them to notify Ray when they are on the property and leave a report with Ray outlining what they have done on each visit.
Outside Lights: The Board continues to receive complaints about the reliability of the outside lights. Ray will review this with Bay Management. Homeowners are requested to have the outside lights on their units turned on when it is dark. This will contribute greatly to an overall improvement in visibility on the property after dark.
Capital Budget: The Board agreed that it needed to assess expected capital expenditures over the next few years. To begin this process, Rob will provide the Board with a worksheet to assist in constructing a Capital Budget for Washington HQ.
Miscellaneous: Lauralynn presented the engineers report on the condition of the brick privacy wall between units 9 and 10. The report recommended that the wall be removed. Lauralynn will contact the engineers and ask if the sinkhole is impacting the integrity of any other structures, including patios, trees and units 9 and 10, and what needs to be done to prevent further deterioration to the surrounding area.
The Board agreed to ask Bay Management to obtain quotes to clean out the gutters of all of the units. A vote will be conducted by email on the bids received.
The Board approved payment to Marenco Lawn Sprinkler Company to winterize the system.
Lauralynn reported that, after discussion with Toni Schoen, she expected homeowner should receive the tax refunds in the first half of November.
Next Meeting: The Board set December 5, 2005 as the next meeting date. The Board will try and schedule future meeting every second Tuesday of each month. This will be subject to change depending upon Board members schedules.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rob Parke, Secretary